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Earl Woods dead at age 74

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Yahoo Story

Tiger Woods' dad just passed away at age 74. That sucks. I hope Tiger can get through this and still play in the U.S. Open in June. Watching Tiger is like watching Jordan in his prime, only better. Much, much better.

Godspeed, Earl.
No, I say it because both dominated a sport like no one before them. But that's not entirely true. Before Jordan, there was Wilt, Kareem, Magic, Dr. J., Moses Malone, etc.

Before Tiger there was Arnie, Jack....and that's about it. And at age 30 Tiger has already eclipsed Arnie's major wins, and he's got 8 to go to catch Jack. Tiger is a special athlete, and I don't know if you'll ever see thorough domination of a sport like this again.
Big Dick McGee said:
Yahoo Story

Tiger Woods' dad just passed away at age 74. That sucks. I hope Tiger can get through this and still play in the U.S. Open in June. Watching Tiger is like watching Jordan in his prime, only better. Much, much better.

Godspeed, Earl.

Who gives a shit? Once a nigger always a nigger. He was not even worth digging a hole into the ground for.
I heard it on good authority he handled the ball washing thing quite well.
DancingBanana said:
um... No?

Would that constitute Banning a User?

Would I be the first?

Anything you need to know about banning, come to the EXPERT. That would be ME. I just found out today I have been banned from THREE more sites. Damn but I am good. At this clip, I shall be banned from the entire internet.