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Employment Problem


New member
I am having employment problems here in my new place of residence. You see, everyone asks if you have ever had a criminal charge and "can we do a background check". I have to answer yes to both because if I lie and say NO, I have never had a criminal charge and they "dig for that shit" and find it, I am faced with even more legal problems for falsifying information on my employment screening and since the assholes in TN let this go on longer than 12 months before "expunging" my record then it goes to the federal registry.
On the other hand, I can say yes.........but let me explain......I had a false criminal charge brought on me and another criminal charge with a previous arrest record forged on me. Most employment agencies are quite sympathetic to my plight, wonder how someone can forge a criminal charge on you and then I never hear from them.

Any suggestions on how to overcome this very huge obstacle before they foreclose on my house?

Hey Eloisel............I need your legal expertise in this matter. The issue that concerned me the most about this whole online train wreck were the false/forged criminal charges and the impact they would have on my professional life. It is one thing for the DIRTBAGS in TN (including the DIRTBAG lawyer Randy Chaffin who helped set me up) to cover-up, aid/abet, mislead me, feed me to the wolves, let the charges stand for more than 12 months........even at that I had to hammer away at Marcia Borys, the Court Clerk, to have the charges expunged. They were public record for 15 months, then on top of that Tamar published the false criminal record with all my vital stats, my mugshot, the whole sordid mess over at wordforge. There is also another post on this board (dig for it.....unless Sardy took it with him--I printed it out because I became quite alarmed at that point) whereby someone stated this same criminal record was posted over on Scott's board and several others. I am sure everyone got a big kick out of it............showing how I was a criminal and everything..............the downside is this.................How many people Screen Captured this false/forged criminal record? How many other people did they pass it along to?? How many people have it?? What are the odds of it "popping up" at the most inopportune time?

Do I take the chance of lieing and saying NO I have never been arrested, then it "pops" up ............I am subject to further legal battles for falsifying an employment document?? Because that is something I axed the drug dealer last night.......I didn't mind bringing my criminal past out in the open knowing he is a criminal. He said............just explain it to all prospective employers. Since the majority of my experience is in Human Resources (20+ years) and handling other peoples money (14+ years)..........I know if someone started explaining something like I would have to explain, I would cut the interview short (even you even made it to an interview), then I would shitcan your resume as soon as you left.

How should I handle this?? In your legal opinion?? cause I know paralegals know as much or more as most attorney's.
I think I am going to have to apply for welfare and food stamps. I hope they let me bring my dogs with me to the housing projects.

I will NEVER make fun of people on welfare anymore.
Needless to say, this has been a very humbling experience for me. I know what its like to go from poor to middle-class to poor again.
I am not going to keep re-living the humiliation I experienced in TN by having to explain all of this over and over. It opens old wounds.

It is also easy for people to sit back and say........well, you have to do whatever it takes to make a living--apply at Wal-Mart, clean houses, flip burgers.

I have spent most of my adult life working hard, putting myself through college, acquiring extensive training and experience to be reduced to a burger flipper making minimum wage.
I bet none of you would do the same thing you are telling me. I know you wouldn't. That is where you have to put yourselves in my shoes. It is hard for most of you to do,I realized that a long time ago. That is why I did what I have done, because I knew in the end it would be me against all of you.
I am surprized the guberment isn't soliciting me to come work for them considering all the crap I have uncovered online. Damn!! I guess they can't since I wouldn't be able to get security clearance and I have a rap sheet a mile long.
OK..........good news........I think. I recruited a good headhunter today to help me find a job. This could be good, you guys better hope so cause it will give you a chance to play catch up before I throw the second batch of ammo I have on some you that is even better than the first!!

I need give to give DarthSikle a break too cause I know he has been working non-stop keeping up with the information overload. I knew he would be the only person who could handle it which is why I chose him. Sorry Darth.........hopefully you will GIT to take some of the vacation time you have been accumulating for the last two years. I warned you guys to jump over to his side a year ago. Now would be a good time to position yourselves.

Tell me how you would overcome this problem in a prospective employment situation. I am open to all of your BRILLIANCE I have witnessed so far.