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Faith Based Charities???

Friday said:

It would be if ALL "Faith Based Charities" would receive Government dollars. It would be if Charities would then be subject to Federal Law governing ALL other recipients of government grants. it would be Faith Based Charities needed any more dollars from us, most do just fine and always have as a separate entity from the US Government. I would be if this wasn't going to be a *new* section under each cabinet seat. It would be if this administration hadn't already shown that he has a debt to pay Christian Fundies and this is the pay back.. literally.

No one denies that Faith Based Charities were more effective in some instances than the entirety of the Government. They do good work, and the work you linked to is one of them. However, I'm not sure I want the Government funding FBC [with my tax dollars] and supporting Religious Charities. I'm not sure I want yet another bureaucracy springing up to award these grants to... can you guess who? I mean can you? I'm not sure I want FBC as a separate cabinet section. Why not just put then in under the umbrella of all the other grants awarded? hum? Why the special sections in so many cabinet sections?

Government money given to FBC is a nightmare waiting to happen.

Do you honestly think that Islamic FBC will receive money? Or Mormon Charities? Or Jehovah's Witnesses, or Christian Scientists, or any of the other non-Christian Fundie religions? Do you?
Caitriona said:
Do you honestly think that Islamic FBC will receive money? Or Mormon Charities? Or Jehovah's Witnesses, or Christian Scientists, or any of the other non-Christian Fundie religions? Do you?
Why should they recieve tax dollars? the whole thing will probably be hijacked by the administration anyway. Didn't they refuse funds to schools which wouldn't agree to having military recruiters on campus?
I think 'Faith Based Charity' oughta mean that they have faith that people will support them, instead of pretty much guaranteeing it by suckin' on taxes. Doesn't sound like they really have all that much faith.
Well if a "Faith" does have a legitimate charity, ostensibly they should receive government grants if they qualify. But they won't, and we all know they won't.

Which means someone is going to sue the government, and that will use up tax dollars. Then some damn committee will decide on more guidelines, and that will spend more tax dollars, and they there will be more people hired and more tax dollars spent, and finally someone will take this to Court and it will all be declared unconstitutional, and we will have wasted more tax dollars. All because this Administration can't manage a government this size, and wants to out source it wherever he can. AND he might as well out source it to the Christian Fundies and keep them in $$$ and power.

You want your tax dollars spent like this? I'd rather just keep my money and donate it to the charity *I* choose.
Caitriona said:
Well if a "Faith" does have a legitimate charity, ostensibly they should receive government grants if they qualify. But they won't, and we all know they won't.

Which means someone is going to sue the government, and that will use up tax dollars. Then some damn committee will decide on more guidelines, and that will spend more tax dollars, and they there will be more people hired and more tax dollars spent, and finally someone will take this to Court and it will all be declared unconstitutional, and we will have wasted more tax dollars. All because this Administration can't manage a government this size, and wants to out source it wherever he can. AND he might as well out source it to the Christian Fundies and keep them in $$$ and power.

You want your tax dollars spent like this? I'd rather just keep my money and donate it to the charity *I* choose.

I choose...ass....that's a nice ass....