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Fiery semi crash kills 7 kids!!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
CNN Story

Fiery crash kills 7 young relatives

Tractor-trailer rear-ends car stopped behind school bus

CNN) -- Seven children, including an infant, died Wednesday when a tractor-trailer rear-ended their car near Gainesville, Florida, slamming it into the rear of a school bus that had stopped to let children off.

The car, which was driven by a 15-year-old girl with a learner's permit, burst into flames, killing everyone inside, said Lt. Mike Burroughs of the Florida Highway Patrol. The truck was partially burned, its cab overturned.

In Florida, it is illegal for a 15-year-old to drive without an adult being in the car.
The accident occurred shortly after 3 p.m., four miles south of Lake Butler in northern Florida.

The bus was carrying students home from Lake Butler Elementary School and Lake Butler Middle School in the Union County School District.

Three of nine children on the bus were seriously injured and were taken by helicopter to hospitals. None of the students' injuries was life-threatening, said Lt. Bill Leeper of the Florida Highway Patrol.

But a spokeswoman for Shands Hospital in Gainesville said eight patients were transported, ages 5 to 16. Two were in critical condition; three in serious condition, said Betsy Miller.

The drivers of the bus and the truck also were injured, but their conditions weren't immediately known. Their names were not immediately available.
Video showed charred debris -- most of it unidentifiable -- strewn over a large patch of scorched ground next to State Highway 121. The vehicles were being towed from the scene late Wednesday, and the highway had not yet been reopened.

Burroughs identified the victims as Cynthia Mann and Elizabeth Mann, both 15; Ashley Keen and Johnny Mann, both 13; Miranda Finn, 9; Heaven Mann, 3; and Anthony Lamb, 20 months.

The Manns, except for Anthony, were adopted foster children; and the family was in the process of adopting Anthony, Burroughs said. Ashley and Miranda were cousins.

Cynthia Mann was at the wheel of the car, said Tina Mann, her aunt.

"Yes, she's 15, she had her learner's permit, she knows how to drive," Mann said.
"Even though she was an under-age driver, it's my understanding she did not cause the accident," she said. "The same thing would have happened had there been an adult in the car with her. We'd just have one more death in the family."

Mann said her niece had just dropped off another child and was taking the rest of the children home "to get ready to go to church when this happened."

The crash occurred on Southwest 75th Way, 20 miles north of Gainesville.
All the vehicles were headed north at the time of the wrecks, Leeper said, adding,
"For some reason, the (truck) driver failed to stop."

The accident occurred in good weather along a straight stretch of road that has a posted speed limit of 60 mph.

"There doesn't seem to be any reason why the semi could not observe the two vehicles stopped," Leeper said. "For some reason -- we're still trying to determine why -- he did not stop."

"It's a very chaotic scene," Burroughs said late in the afternoon. "We're having trouble removing the family members from the car because of the way the car is lodged in and tied in with the metal pieces of the tractor-trailer."

"It is a mangled, fiery crash," he said, adding that "it was a very sad moment" when victims' family members visited the scene.

The tractor-trailer was operated by the Crete Carrier Corporation, based in Lincoln, Nebraska.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with those involved in this accident and their families. We are in the process of gathering information, and at this point we are unable to accurately discuss the incident," said a statement from Chief Operating Officer Jack Peetz on the company's Web site.

"We are very sorry and deeply saddened that this tragedy has happened. We will work diligently with the appropriate authorities on the investigation."
he National Transportation Safety Board said a team of investigators was to arrive Wednesday night at the crash site.

"The semis drive way too fast," said Effie White, a nearby resident.

The semi driver had better be charged with something. Reckless driving, vehicular manslaughter, whatever. IF the driver is found to have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs (including stimulants to stay awake) he should get the Death Penalty, and his trucking company should be sued out of existence.

Think about this: Those children burned to death. I hope God has mercy on this guy's soul, because the state of Florida surely shouldn't.
There was a follow up story to this. After having received the news that all seven of his grandchildren were killed in the crash, the grandfather had a massive heart attack and died.
What?? NO SHIT?? That's fucked up, man. His death should be added to the semi driver's sentance, if in fact he did something wrong. Well, I mean MORE wrong than NOT FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION TO A STOPPED SCHOOL BUS!!
The driver was cited for unsafe driving about 5 years earlier. But, as of now, they don't know if that was a factor in this case. they said there were no skid marks, but it appears the semi did try to swerve to avoid the van. To me it sounds like it was inattentive driving at the very least.

I think this guy is going to spend some time regardless.
Christ, he'd better. I read the update, it grows more sickening. This woman lost all 7 of her kids (including a 20-month-old) and her Dad all in one day. She said, "I just can't handle this!"

I think this story will grow ever more tragic, as the woman sounds like she's near suicide.

A few moments of inattentive driving can shatter a family and destroy at least nine lives. Fucking truckers. This guy needs to spend a significant amount of jailtime to send a message. If this were a passenger car, or even a large SUV, I doubt we'd be talking about any loss of life.
At the wheel was Cynthia Mann, who had a learner's permit. Under Florida law, it is illegal for a 15-year-old to drive without an adult. But Lt. Bill Leeper of the Florida Highway Patrol said that was not relevant to the crash.

"There are some questions we're going to need answered ... but those are questions we'll look at later," Leeper said. "Right now everything has to do with the truck."

What the fuck does he mean it's not relevent? As far as I'm concerned, that alone makes the parents equally responsible in this. If they had followed the law and not allowed an inexperienced kid to be driving without adult supervision, it might not have happened.

It's a tragedy, but the kids shouldn't have been on the road in the first place.
^^You're wrong. The driver was correctly stopped behind a schoolbus. The inattentive semi driver plowed into the rear of her car. How, exactly, would an adult driver have avoided this? By stepping on the gas and hitting the kids who were getting off the bus?? It's not her fault at all, and the police agree.
Big Dick McGee said:
^^You're wrong. The driver was correctly stopped behind a schoolbus. The inattentive semi driver plowed into the rear of her car. How, exactly, would an adult driver have avoided this? By stepping on the gas and hitting the kids who were getting off the bus?? It's not her fault at all, and the police agree.

How about by not letting the kids take the vehicle in the first place? Apperantly the mother wasn't able to drive them herself. So they wouldn't have been on the road period.
So, they should just stay at school? The daughter was picking the kids up from school/daycare. The kids are all foster kids who were adopted, the mother was working to support them. She's a fucking saint in my book.

Did you read the article?
Big Dick McGee said:
So, they should just stay at school? The daughter was picking the kids up from school/daycare. The kids are all foster kids who were adopted, the mother was working to support them. She's a fucking saint in my book.

Did you read the article?

Yes I read the article. Did you? The eldest girl was taking the rest of the kids to church.

The mother was negligent and she endangered the welfare of the children by:

1. Allowing an under aged, improperly licensed child to operate a motor vehicle without adult supervision.


2. Allowing the rest of the children to be driven in a motor vehicle by an unlicensed, under aged child without proper adult supervision

When the fuck did we get to the point that we don't hold parents responsible for their own stupidity?
Anyone know what kind of car they were driving?

Seven in one car seems excessive, unless it was a van.
So, Sarek, if the 15-yr-old driver had been the mother instead, would she somehow be to blame for this? I'm not following your logic. No matter who was driving that car, they would not have been able to prevent the accident. Well, unless they have super powers.
Morrhigan said:
So, Sarek, if the 15-yr-old driver had been the mother instead, would she somehow be to blame for this? I'm not following your logic. No matter who was driving that car, they would not have been able to prevent the accident. Well, unless they have super powers.

No. I'm saying that if the mother wasn't able to take them herself or appoint another licensed driver to accompany the kids, she should have made the kids stay home. Then the kids would never have been in the vicinity of the accident to begin with.

Instead, the mother knowingly allowed her child to commit an illegal act that contributed to the death of her children.

It's no different than the parent that allows a child to drink alcohol in the home and then the kid kills someone when he gets behind the wheel. The parents are responsible for the actions of the child if the parents knowingly allow the child to commit an illegal act.
Morrhigan said:
So, Sarek, if the 15-yr-old driver had been the mother instead, would she somehow be to blame for this? I'm not following your logic. No matter who was driving that car, they would not have been able to prevent the accident. Well, unless they have super powers.
I agree with this, and would like to add that the driver made a stupid mistake which could have just as easily resulted in a ruined storefront. I don't follow how he deserves harsher treatment because of the accidental death of those children.
The truck driver was following too close. All those trucks do it now. You see them run right up on a cars ass and the cops don't do shit about it. A truck following to close should carry a heavy penalty like loss of driver's lisence or something. The shit like this happens everyday. Those trucks are hauling 55,000 pounds and they won't stop like a car and need some distance to react and not kill someone.
MessengerX said:
I agree with this, and would like to add that the driver made a stupid mistake which could have just as easily resulted in a ruined storefront. I don't follow how he deserves harsher treatment because of the accidental death of those children.

If you're really so dumb that you don't see the difference between property damage and seven children burning to death, then you shouldn't be driving yourself.
Big Dick McGee said:
If you're really so dumb that you don't see the difference between property damage and seven children burning to death, then you shouldn't be driving yourself.
Explain how a driver need have poorer good judgement and driving skills to result in accidents of much more devastating proportions.

A crash is a crash.