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Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
Tell us a story about getting fired from a job --either getting canned yourself or witnessing someone else's firing.

I got fired only once: A summer job I had when I was 18. I was a slacker & didn't do it very well (it was a printers/copy shop). After 3 weeks I got booted. No big deal and not much of a story, I'm afraid... But I do have a good one or two about other people.

And you?
Archibald Nixon said:
Tell us a story about getting fired from a job --either getting canned yourself or witnessing someone else's firing.

I got fired only once: A summer job I had when I was 18. I was a slacker & didn't do it very well (it was a printers/copy shop). After 3 weeks I got booted. No big deal and not much of a story, I'm afraid... But I do have a good one or two about other people.

And you?

That in one thing that I have never had happen to me. I've almost been fired on several occasions, but as of now, I'm still working.
The person i share this job with just got fired last week. I watched the whole thing, from his constant fucking up, to fixing his mistakes and taking the blame for it til I was warned about it. To making him take responsibility for his own mistakes, to a shared warning meeting where he outright lied to our supervisor, to his termination.

It was fucking horrible.
At a movie theatre I used to work at they had a Powerpoint slideshow that ran on the screen between shows (ads, etc.). This ran from a computer that you could also use to surf the internet while the film was running. One of the old-timer projectionists accidentally left it online and when the movie ended the site he was perusing wound up getting projected onto the screen. The subject matter was...well...something unfortunate. I've never seen anybody get fired so fast, and this was someone with seniority and union connections (I think he was so mortified by the incident that he didn't put up any kind of fight).

Needless to say they took away the internet connection. :eek:
I was once fired on April Fools Day. The flat I lived in came with the job.

So at 10.30 I was homeless and jobless on April Fools Day.

It was a fantastic day involving alchohol and narcotics - and the best thing that happened to me that year.

I'm fairly convinced that it was due to me getting it on with a certain girl my boss fancied. It is also possible I was just shit at the job.