Elder Statesman
I did something
I did not expect
for the first time
Last night.
Gotta say,
at 42 it's kind of rare
to do something "first".
Oh, it started out innocently enough
and then things...well...
I won't say it got out of hand.
It just got "more" than I thought.
There was a trip to Home Depot involved
before we got started
But that's not important
not directly.
Yes, I'm being cryptic.
I did not expect
for the first time
Last night.
Gotta say,
at 42 it's kind of rare
to do something "first".
Oh, it started out innocently enough
and then things...well...
I won't say it got out of hand.
It just got "more" than I thought.
There was a trip to Home Depot involved
before we got started
But that's not important
not directly.
Yes, I'm being cryptic.