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beer, I want beer
Oooooh! I found another forum site. I shall attempt to keep myself from getting banned. Yes, yes. I realise this is too much to ask but I felt it worth a try. I give myself 2 days at the most before I am perma-banned by IP. As such, I will bid you all adieu. I will try to drop in as much as possible but don't count your horses as yet. No doubt if I get banned as quickly as I believe I will, then I shall return. Until then, au revoir.
WTF? Word about me must be spreading!! I had signed up and then within minutes I was banned!! I had not even posted as yet. Damn! The entire WORLD knows about SAINTLUCIFER!! All sites fear my person!! Wow!! Even I am in awe of me!! Now I get banned just for showing up! Top that you fuckers!! *ROTFLMAO*
Ah well. I signed up under a different name. No problems there. Shit. Seems the name SAINTLUCIFER is being sent to sites of all shapes and sizes, warning about me. Such an effect I have upon the world. Whoooeee!!
johnford said:
Are you going for the record number of times banned? j/k;)

Excuse me child but I have broken such records many times over. I suggest you contact GUINESS for me and tell them about the great SAINTLUCIFER. The very name strikes fear into the hearts of those who run forums. I would suggest you attempt to register with many sites using the name SaintLucifer. Watch what happens.