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FOX NEWS INTERNAL MEMO: "Be On The Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi....


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FOX NEWS INTERNAL MEMO: "Be On The Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi Insurgents...Thrilled At The Prospect Of A Dem Controlled Congress"...

Okay. Typical newsmedia, right? Fox has an angle just like everyone else.

Back in 1998 I really liked Fox News because I felt that it didn't even pretend to be objective. That is no longer the case and I no longer watch it.

Stick with CSPAN and you'll have more fun. Or not, since Charleton Heston isn't on it anymore.
Where ratings are involved "fair and balanced" isn't an option, particularly considering the viewer base.

But it's nothing any other commercially fed news organization wouldn't do.
So you're saying FoxNews has good reason to suspect Democrats having the same views as our Islamic enemies? We already knew that! Here's more proof:

Al Jazeera, Meet the NY Times' Editorial Page
Posted by Clay Waters on November 16, 2006 - 13:51.

After comparing Al Jazeera's core audience to that of Fox News, Alessandra Stanley's review of the Arab-language channel's American debut notes: "A promo for an upcoming program described American policy in Iraq as George Bush's 'alleged war on terror.'"

Sound familiar?

From Wednesday's lead Times editorial: "The nation's image is at stake, as well as the safety of every man and woman who is fighting Mr. Bush's so-called war on terror."

Birds of a feather, indeed.
Fox News is "Fair and Balanced" they have leftyloon kooks on to say "America sucks" all the time.

That peice of shit Ward Churchill was on Fox last night, thats great. Everytime a jackass like him speaks he looks even more foolish.