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Free Speech and Truth In Speech

The Question

No preamble needed (beyond this bit of preamble positing that no preamble is needed, don't get fucking meta.)

The left hates free speech because the left hates truth in speech. They don't like, and don't want, people to speak accurately. To use accurate, truthful description of the world.

For example, they insist that men can be women. They insist that sex is separate from gender. Neither of those positions is factually accurate, of course.

The word for a juvenile human with a penis, therefore of the male sex, is boy. Adult human male is man. Juvenile human female is a girl, adult human female is a woman. They want to tell you that men who want to pass themselves off as women (Or Vice Versa) are women, but if you know the truth -- that male (O.V.V.) primary sexual characteristics are only that -- primary characteristics of being male (O.V.V.), then you are a man (O.V.V.). Even if you surgically alter the primary characteristics and chemically alter the secondary characteristics, you were, are, and always will be a man (O.V.V.). You cannot arbitrarily alter the truth. Even if you surgically and chemically enhance what is, at its core, a blatant and fundamental falsehood. You still haven't changed, and cannot change, reality.

What you are is not transsexual. What you are is a transvestite.

Similarly! There is such a thing as an undocumented immigrant. Indeed there is. When someone goes through the immigration process, which is a legal process, not an informal one -- when they have done what they need to do to qualify legally for the definition of "an immigrant", been accepted, but do not yet possess the documents to prove it -- then, and only then, is that person an undocumented immigrant.

Jumping a fence, hiking through the desert over a patch of unprotected border, or swimming across a river is not a legal process that will logically conclude in the receipt of legal documents proving that this country has accepted the jumper, hiker, or swimmer as a newly minted citizen, aka an immigrant. Doing those things makes you an unlawfully present foreign national, aka an illegal alien in shorthand, or if you care for even more accuracy and brevity, a fucking invader.

This latter euphemism is employed to engender sympathy and even pity for an invasion.

But leftists don't use accurate phrases like that. They can't. Because they can't win based on truth. Truth doesn't support their anti-human policy positions. So in order to get you to accept their anti-human policy positions, they first have to detach you from truth. Because if you don't know what's true and what's not, you can't tell when they're lying to you. Because then, you'll play along with their lies.

That isn't enough, though. It isn't enough that they lie. They intend to make damned sure that the only things you or I are allowed to say are, similarly, just as untrue through euphemism or silence. Anyway, just a brief primer on why the left despises free speech. It isn't to spare anyone's feelings. It's to spare themselves the risk of incurring the wrath of their current and prospective victims. To anesthetize them to the pain of knowing they're being conditioned to see the world in such a way that they will never be able -- or even willing -- to stand up for themselves.
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Damn, I was sure this would draw Ancuckagon or Anna in here to defend the Left's use of rampant dishonesty. I was looking forward to batting the old Leftforge tetherball around a little.
Damn, I was sure this would draw Ancuckagon or Anna in here to defend the Left's use of rampant dishonesty. I was looking forward to batting the old Leftforge tetherball around a little.

I read and absorbed your post. Gender dysphoria is a thing from what I gather. What happens when the genetic code gets altered slightly in transmission (during creation of a human) and the person is born with both sex organs (hermaphrodism) is it then someone's "choice" about which sex to be? I'm not talking about guys who are men til they wear panties and dresses and then get aroused and want to fuck men while dressed. That is fetishistic crossdressing/transvestism and has more to do with fetish than dysphoria.
is freedom of speech really free?

in the united states, freedom of speech and expression is strongly protected from government restrictions by the first amendment to the united states constitution.

what does it mean to have free speech?

the right to express information, ideas, and opinions free of government restrictions based on content and subject only to reasonable limitations (as the power of the government to avoid a clear and present danger) especially as guaranteed by the first and fourteenth amendments to the u.s. constitution.
I read and absorbed your post. Gender dysphoria is a thing from what I gather. What happens when the genetic code gets altered slightly in transmission (during creation of a human) and the person is born with both sex organs (hermaphrodism) is it then someone's "choice" about which sex to be? I'm not talking about guys who are men til they wear panties and dresses and then get aroused and want to fuck men while dressed. That is fetishistic crossdressing/transvestism and has more to do with fetish than dysphoria.

That's like a one in a million fluke. The "denormalize what's normal" movement wants you to think it's like one in 3 people or some absurd horseshit, but it almost never, ever even happens. And then it's up to the parents.
What happens when the genetic code gets altered slightly in transmission (during creation of a human) and the person is born with both sex organs (hermaphrodism) is it then someone's "choice" about which sex to be?

U calls um "Former First Lay-dee" and Bronco Bomma calls it "Massuh!" OHHHHHHHH HO HO HO HO HOOOOOOOOO
