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The Question

I think that we can all now pretty clearly see what the Holocaust is used for -- as a financial tool, it was used to extort billions for the benefit of the Israeli war machine. As a political tool, it's been used to stigmatize and silence any and all criticism of Zionist policies and practices from Israel itself, to Europe and North America.

One man who warned against exactly this kind of abuse of history was Ernst Zundel, who -- after doing nothing more than publishing works which question the official Holocaust story -- was arrested in questionable grounds in the United States and deported to Canada, where the 60+ year old pacifist was ludicrously branded a 'threat to National Security' and placed into solitary confinement for 18 months without trial.

When he was finally tried, it was on 'sealed evidence' -- meaning that there wasn't even the possibility of a defense under due process.

Now he's in Germany, where questioning the Holocaust -- voicing any opinion about the story which is anything less than total, slavish agreement with the Jewish perspective on the story -- is a crime punishable by five years in prison.

Now that we know what the story is used to justify -- what it has made possible and may very well continue to facilitate -- it is time to say, "No more." It is time to free Ernst Zundel.
The double standards used against Zundel are appauling. He's a political prisoner that was extradited and stuck with a danger alert that gave the Canadian goverment carte-blanche to do what ever they wanted to do to him, he's innocent of any wrong-doing and should be freed immediatley.

Nothing can be more abhorrent to democracy than to imprison a person or keep him in prison because he is unpopular. This is really the test of civilization.
Winston Churchill

It's a disgrace that the holocaust and any discussion pertaining to questioning it is such a taboo. To even make note of the endless inconsitancies in "civilized" company is enough to black-list you and have your character painted as a Nazi sympathizer, antie-semite and scurge of the universe.

Free Zundel, stop the double standards. Free Speech is either total or it's not free.
The Question wrote:

I think that we can all now pretty clearly see what the Holocaust is used for -- as a financial tool, it was used to extort billions for the benefit of the Israeli war machine. As a political tool, it's been used to stigmatize and silence any and all criticism of Zionist policies and practices from Israel itself, to Europe and North America.

Actually the Holocaust is continually used against Israel whenever they have a military action, the critics say Israel is causing a Holocaust on x party.

Now he's in Germany, where questioning the Holocaust -- voicing any opinion about the story which is anything less than total, slavish agreement with the Jewish perspective on the story -- is a crime punishable by five years in prison.

Wouldn't it be smarter to make such criticisms in a country where it won't land you in the slammer?

Ogami said:
The Question wrote:

I think that we can all now pretty clearly see what the Holocaust is used for -- as a financial tool, it was used to extort billions for the benefit of the Israeli war machine. As a political tool, it's been used to stigmatize and silence any and all criticism of Zionist policies and practices from Israel itself, to Europe and North America.

Actually the Holocaust is continually used against Israel whenever they have a military action, the critics say Israel is causing a Holocaust on x party.

Now he's in Germany, where questioning the Holocaust -- voicing any opinion about the story which is anything less than total, slavish agreement with the Jewish perspective on the story -- is a crime punishable by five years in prison.

Wouldn't it be smarter to make such criticisms in a country where it won't land you in the slammer?


That's precisely where he did make his criticisms -- here in the United States. The primary reason for his arrest was his wife's (not even his own) publication of his criticisms online, at the site referenced. That site is hosted here in the United States, where it is entirely, 100% legal.
The only reason anti-semitism exists is because there are no ethnic minorities in Europe, it's all white people. So they had to invent minorities to discriminate against, the jews, the gypsys, and so on.

I remember an episode of Northern Exposure where the Jewish doctor compared notes with his Eskimo assistant. They tried to top each other with discrimination stories. Funny stuff to see two liberals try to out-victimize each other.

The Question wrote:

You are without a doubt the most ignorant ass ever.

Good luck in freeing your friend Zundel. I don't know him, but with clever supporters like you, he might be incarcerated for a very long time.

Ogami said:
The Question wrote:

You are without a doubt the most ignorant ass ever.

Good luck in freeing your friend Zundel. I don't know him, but with clever supporters like you, he might be incarcerated for a very long time.

Looks like we left the realm of rational discussion a long time ago. See what happens when you're so pigheaded and allow yourself to be painted into a corner?

No doubt you'll know attempt to focus on some sort of 'spiritual' and 'philosophical' reasons behind some bias we might have. Hell, you've already named myself, TQ, and Mentalist.

I've seen it countless times before. So please, pull your head out of your ass, and be open to some amicable exchange of knowledge.

Hit it, Vic:
Zodiac wrote:

Looks like we left the realm of rational discussion a long time ago. See what happens when you're so pigheaded and allow yourself to be painted into a corner?

I'm not the one calling other posters every name in the book. That means I won, and the rest of you are sputtering in apoplexy.

You make me laugh. You and your friends make Mel Gibson sound open-minded.

Ogami said:
Zodiac wrote:

Looks like we left the realm of rational discussion a long time ago. See what happens when you're so pigheaded and allow yourself to be painted into a corner?

I'm not the one calling other posters every name in the book. That means I won, and the rest of you are sputtering in apoplexy.

I'll bet you think Emily Post was damn near omniscient then, dont'cha?

If I'm right about something and call you a dirty word or six in the process of explaining myself, it doesn't make me any less right.

1+1=2, you syphilitic little faggot.