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Frequent Flyers Anyone???


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I just booked my ticket for what looked like a perfect flight and then I get this notice that says "plane change". It's supposed to be a straight flight, the time is scheduled for a straight flight, what the fuck does "plane change" mean?!?!?!?!
Maybe it means you were Scheduled to fly on one type of plane and you are being changed to another type. Some people wont fly on certain types of planes.

No, I thought of that but the notice goes on to explain that it's an unscheduled stop. Rechecking the flight time, there's only 45 minutes leeway for an unscheduled stop. Granted it's a red eye flight but how the hell are you going to land, deplane and replane a plane full of passengers in 45 minutes?!
Laker_Girl said:
I just booked my ticket for what looked like a perfect flight and then I get this notice that says "plane change". It's supposed to be a straight flight, the time is scheduled for a straight flight, what the fuck does "plane change" mean?!?!?!?!
it means too many people boarded the plane not wearing doedorant--new restrictions,you know--annd the y had to fumigate the whole plane before it could be flown again.It's going to happen A LOT more often now,so you better get used to it!!!
Who needs tickets when you can use a bong to take a magic carpet ride and never even leave the house :)