Troll Kingdom

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Fun with Luci

Now then bitches. Where shall we start? I can actually defend myself yet again because I shamed Troll Kingdom into unbanning Paladin. People were no doubt wondering why Paladin was banned when he did not break a single rule. Your own claim 'we do not ban' will forever be your undoing! Bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Every time I complete long posts pointing out the injustices of Troll Kingdom they unban me. Bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ah well, looks like I don't need that IP anymore. *sneers* I OWN every fucking one of you and you know it.
Zodiac said:

Really, if you can't mess around with him then he's only gotten under your skin.

I don't get under your skin? Fuck that. I OWN your very existence. Proof? Here we go, the very first time we came into contact with each other ever since you were banned from Troll Kingdom.

That is how you respond to your betters. You either scream to have them banned or you bitch and whine when someone crashes your browser as both BAD DOG and I did

You are such a whiny fuck and I have PROVEN it! This is what angers you and you know it.

Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! SaintLucifer is more popular in Wordforge than I am so I better get him banned. Wahhhhhhhhhhhh. He is stealing my thunder in Wordforge! *stamps his feet* I want SaintLucifer gone because everyone pays attention to him and not me. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.
Aw did ZODIAC run away like the little bitch he is now that he found out Paladin has been reinstated within Troll Kingdom once again? I told you he would do this. When Paladin was banned ZODIAC began to act as if perhaps he believed he was a MAN yet the moment he discovered Paladin was reinstated he runs with his fucking tail tucked safely between his legs. Bwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa. COWARD. At least you called me a coward in Wordforge AFTER my ban was complete. You are not banned so where are you bitch? What of my challenge to have GHOST reinstated at Wordforge. If you want to call someone a fucking coward then do it when he is NOT banned and therefore cannot respond you stupid cunt. I continue to CHALLENGE you to have GHOST unbanned as surely as you can do so since it was you who had him banned. I am willing to take you on in Wordforge as my dual GHOST if you get him unbanned. You will not do so because of the simple fact you are but a cowardly bitch who fears me. The only way you may prove otherwise is to get GHOST unbanned. You know I would tear you apart in Wordforge so this is not going to happen.
Just the three posts this time? Now tell me about spamming. You seem to know more about me in posting mentally unhinged drivel in multiple posts.
Gagh said:
Just the three posts this time? Now tell me about spamming. You seem to know more about me in posting mentally unhinged drivel in multiple posts.

You are but a moron. It is not spamming when they are all different you dipshit. Just because I type so quickly does not constitute spamming. When they all look exactly the same then and only then can you bitch. Now clearly you fail to understand what spam is so I would suggest you go away.
Archibald Nixon said:
Somebody hear something...?

I have seen you around and I will not bother with you. Upon reviewing your posts we are talking the minor leagues so please continue in here but stay away from me lest I crush you like I have everyone else in here. I do not bother with the easy victims unless I am completely bored. I am not now. Perhaps another time. You my young friend are clearly unworthy of the great Paladin and the irony of it all is the fact you know it after I saw a couple of your posts a previous time. You were smart to avoid me then but I suggest you stick to the same tactic.
Paladin said:
I have seen you around and I will not bother with you. Upon reviewing your posts we are talking the minor leagues so please continue in here but stay away from me lest I crush you like I have everyone else in here. I do not bother with the easy victims unless I am completely bored. I am not now. Perhaps another time. You my young friend are clearly unworthy of the great Paladin and the irony of it all is the fact you know it after I saw a couple of your posts a previous time. You were smart to avoid me then but I suggest you stick to the same tactic.

There it is again!
Look how easy it is to get Lulu to do a bunch of work. It's funny, and I rarely ever even read his words. What a douche.
Paladin said:
Now then bitches. Where shall we start? I can actually defend myself yet again because I shamed Troll Kingdom into unbanning Paladin. People were no doubt wondering why Paladin was banned when he did not break a single rule. Your own claim 'we do not ban' will forever be your undoing! Bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Every time I complete long posts pointing out the injustices of Troll Kingdom they unban me. Bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ah well, looks like I don't need that IP anymore. *sneers* I OWN every fucking one of you and you know it.

Paladin said:

I don't get under your skin? Fuck that. I OWN your very existence. Proof? Here we go, the very first time we came into contact with each other ever since you were banned from Troll Kingdom.

That is how you respond to your betters. You either scream to have them banned or you bitch and whine when someone crashes your browser as both BAD DOG and I did

You are such a whiny fuck and I have PROVEN it! This is what angers you and you know it.

Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! SaintLucifer is more popular in Wordforge than I am so I better get him banned. Wahhhhhhhhhhhh. He is stealing my thunder in Wordforge! *stamps his feet* I want SaintLucifer gone because everyone pays attention to him and not me. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.

Paladin said:
Aw did ZODIAC run away like the little bitch he is now that he found out Paladin has been reinstated within Troll Kingdom once again? I told you he would do this. When Paladin was banned ZODIAC began to act as if perhaps he believed he was a MAN yet the moment he discovered Paladin was reinstated he runs with his fucking tail tucked safely between his legs. Bwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa. COWARD. At least you called me a coward in Wordforge AFTER my ban was complete. You are not banned so where are you bitch? What of my challenge to have GHOST reinstated at Wordforge. If you want to call someone a fucking coward then do it when he is NOT banned and therefore cannot respond you stupid cunt. I continue to CHALLENGE you to have GHOST unbanned as surely as you can do so since it was you who had him banned. I am willing to take you on in Wordforge as my dual GHOST if you get him unbanned. You will not do so because of the simple fact you are but a cowardly bitch who fears me. The only way you may prove otherwise is to get GHOST unbanned. You know I would tear you apart in Wordforge so this is not going to happen.
Damn; can't argue with that!
What cock? From what I hear from the rumour mill, you need tweezers... and it looks suspiciously like an underdeveloped clit.
Lilac said:
What cock? From what I hear from the rumour mill, you need tweezers... and it looks suspiciously like an underdeveloped clit.

I see I have yet another ardent admirer on my hands. Followed me all the way from LoNaf did you? Strange that I have never seen you before until I showed up in LoNaf and bitchslapped the entire site. Impressed with me were you? Now that I can easily understand. You may now bow down before me bitch otherwise get your skank ass back to LoNaf. This is MY territory and I roam with impunity. No fucking whiny bitch Admins for you to complain to here. Now fuck off you stupid cunt unless you offer me your mouth with my cock stuffed deep down your throat. I will give new meaning to the term DEEP THROAT you stupid cow.