Troll Kingdom

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New member
Caitriona said:
no bully tactics, no nothing except a disagreement with the post.


Gagh said:
I swear, so long as you use this dual I will neg it into the ground.


Gagh said:
Tough. As long as you post under this account, I will neg it.


Gagh said:
Do it outside of my fucking forum, then.


Gagh said:
The temple can stay. The dual account must go. NEG AND NEG AS NEG NEEDS MUST BE MET.


Aww, poor wittle duals are all butt hurt because Gagh negged them.....boohoo go cry on your wee little pillows......AND GET THE FUCK OVER IT!
I was saying don't neg me because I'm not part of your silly little war.....not because I care about karma. Oh and VKD, bite me....i've been here long enough to know that you are full of shit. How long have you been here?
You never negged me, and I wasn't saying that to you. It was directed at VKD...

ValKilmer'sdick : whoops! you had to hastily change your double post there...

Yeah...shit happens
She has a point regardless.

TKarma, oooooooh don't steal mine.

50 bajillion or negative 20 gazillion, who cares?

I hope Gagh comes back because he made the rest of us spambots look normal.
OH, HOW COULD I FORGET. The shadow revolution is still brewing.

And here I've left my "GO ALEXANDER, CONQUER! KILL! WIN!" banner at home.....

If he is Gagh, the same point still applies. The joke has been carried too far. The punchline is not funny anymore.