Troll Kingdom

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Gagh's flood 11/20...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts all being sent to the Dump as I type this, and I put him in DayCare.

So you don't have to bump everything above it anymore. ;)
Way to fight the good fight, Elrod. You're a saint.

I don't really care if you're DC'd or not, but it would have amused me if you were.
Wait--what happened? Gagh and Elrod spammed The Badlands, is that what happened? Or did they spam somewhere else and it got moved here?
Gagh spammed the Badlands with his normal flood, and Elrod necro'd as retaliation.

Gagh was removed to DC and Elrod negged me for offering him up for DC, too.

A little later I went home.
That is not supposed to happen in this forum! I welcome spamming and thread necro'ing here!.