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Girls Only Forum At TK

I Love Cunt

Watch It
I think I am still missing some of the TK ladies-so If I missed you it wasn't intentional-just send me a PM so I can get you set up.
Love Child said:
I think I am still missing some of the TK ladies-so If I missed you it wasn't intentional-just send me a PM so I can get you set up.

Ah, a girls-only forum? I should advise against the creation of such for it is a sexist act. When men wish to do the very same to he exclusion of all females, the bitches whine and moan and groan to their mommies or even the Canadian government about such things. I shall now cite an example. There is in Canada an exercise club devoted strictly to ladies only. Says so in the small print of all advertising the club sends out. Last time I checked, discrimination by sex is an illegal act. Oopsy, since it is the bitches and we cannot have them upset we must strive to look the other way lest we get our balls ripped off. Naturally I have sent my MP a letter demanding why I cannot start a men's only club. Women and their constant whining needs to cease and desist. I suggest we refrain from giving them the sex they so badly need. Actually I do not know about the 'we' part of it consider the type of men who frequent this site. I would bet that without a doubt I am by far the most-handsome and intelligent individual on this site, therefore as a direct result I am capable of having any woman who visits this same site at any time I so desire. Alas, I have seen the woman on this site. Ugly and usually drunk, no doubt as a result of their ugly status.
Luci - you will be bowled over in the onrushing female Skanland grab. I wouldn't stand too close to the door if I were you.
Enkephalen said:
Luci - you will be bowled over in the onrushing female Skanland grab. I wouldn't stand too close to the door if I were you.

Please dear child. I am very experienced with seeing females rushing to meet me. Such females dare to dream about meeting one like myself although this always fails to happen. Being online is not the same thing as meeting me in person. When a female does meet me in person she is but thrilled beyond comprehension for she begins to dare the greatest of her fantasies has come true. Alas, I never bother to meet the females I discover online although there has been one exception. I fucked her brains out naturally although she was a little disconcerting mentally. Her life was fraught with chaos and I had decided ever since to never meet a female via the internet. The sex was incredible yes but not worth the hassle.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Luci -- deliberately choosing to misunderstand so that everything is always about you and your imagined prowess at bringing every female swooning to your feet. What a predictable thing to do for this persona you have chosen for yourself. You do have an active imagination fueled by too much unrealistic porn no doubt. Judging from your vision of how women are, I would have to say you have no experience at all. I am sorry to have to tell you this, but women are human and complicated, not little automatons that you would like them to be so you don't have to engage them in anything other than your fevered wet dreams. Please, stop while you're able. You are tiresome and boring with this nonsensical drivel. Needless to say, we've all heard this before and it is ever so lame and repetitive. Take a different tack and, please remember, you are here to entertain. So far, you just dissappoint.
Enkephalen said:
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Luci -- deliberately choosing to misunderstand so that everything is always about you and your imagined prowess at bringing every female swooning to your feet. What a predictable thing to do for this persona you have chosen for yourself. You do have an active imagination fueled by too much unrealistic porn no doubt. Judging from your vision of how women are, I would have to say you have no experience at all. I am sorry to have to tell you this, but women are human and complicated, not little automatons that you would like them to be so you don't have to engage them in anything other than your fevered wet dreams. Please, stop while you're able. You are tiresome and boring with this nonsensical drivel. Needless to say, we've all heard this before and it is ever so lame and repetitive. Take a different tack and, please remember, you are here to entertain. So far, you just dissappoint.

How does one 'engage' another whilst dreaming??? No matter. I would expect such a thing from the denizens of this site. Inferior intellect and the like. I should like to point out I know very little about porn for someone of my status has no use for it. Why settle for mere viewing when you can enjoy the real thing? Oopsy. Look who I am asking. You are quite mistaken. Women are in fact automatons. They exist for three reasons:
1. They are our source of sexual pleasure. That is why 'GOD' gave them 3 holes which we can use: their cunt, their asshole and their mouth.
2. They allow for procreation of our species.
3. They are excellent servants, maids, babysitters etc.

As long as they keep their mouths closed yet open them only when we command whilst we drill our cocks into them everything is hunky-dory.

If I am so tiresome, boring and lame how is it you read all of my posts? Do you not understand the term 'contradiction'? You are exactly that in spades. Now be a good little girl and run along. No, no. I said 'girl' as you are no doubt precisely that.
Oh, ouch! I am cut to the quick by Clifton Webb objectifying women. Go on, play with your rubber blow up dolls. I know it gives you feelings of power to hold a straight pin against their blow up heads and say, "are you feeling lucky, well are you?"
Enkephalen, I'd give you more karma but it won't let me give you anymore just yet.

Come on into the future Women's Forum. There are new pictures of gorgeous men.

I know you saw the amateur stripper video but did you see the two videos with Tony Ranuado? He is hot!
Love Child said:
I think I am still missing some of the TK ladies-so If I missed you it wasn't intentional-just send me a PM so I can get you set up.

I definitely want in on this one!
What's that? A girl-on-girl harem?


Let me know how I can get in. I'll create a new user-ID, if necessary.

Call me!
gatshicenteri2 said:
im a guy but i think lucifer went to fare oh and karma to Enkephalen

Thank you Gatshicenteri2.

Yes, I do know that most men are not piglets and that not all men objectify women in a fearful attempt to dehumanize them. Luci is perhaps pretending to be a misogynist and to suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. If, indeed, he truly believes what he writes, then we have one very sick little puppy in our midst who exults in abusive relationships, and has little self love. Poor boy, just leave him lying in the road and step over the bod. Nothing to see here, move along.