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Good Friday

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
To all my fellow Christians here:

"And he said to them, 'Thus it is written,
that the Messiah is to suffer
and to rise from the dead on the third day...'"
Luke 24:46 (NRSV)

May God bless you and keep you on this Holy Day.
And, lo, He shall bring balance to the Force.


With no resurrection of Christ, then we are totally free to submerge Christian faith into a linguistic phenomenon. We can harmonise the faith with other religions, and pick and choose at will which aspects of it we will keep, and which we will reject. It would all come down to subjective interpretation.
^^Indeed, the Council of Nicea was wise to vote 'yea' on Christ's Divinity. Otherwise, everyone would realize that Roman Catholocism was simply a pastiche of all the prevalent religions of the time.
Yes, but doesn't it seem rather fragile to have a HUMAN body of sinners (let's not deny it) and saints vote on the supposed divinity of anyone?

What's the criteria involved and who created the criteria?

Bah. I'd rather worship a tree. Or a rock. Or a 5th century snake-headed sock puppet. Or a beautiful woman's ass.

I don't need a vote to tell me what's "divine." I keep my own council.

Edited to say: Yes, I know I'm going to Hell. I'm ok with it. All the people I like and things I enjoy doing will be waiting for me there. Sin is IN.
Well, inasmuch as I was raised Catholic, but now reject the teachings of the Catholic church, I agree with you. I do believe in God, and in the divinity of Jesus Christ. I don't like how the Catholic Church, in the form of the Council of Nicea, decided to incorporate pagan symbols and ideas into the religion, simply to make it more palatable to the masses.
I respect your beliefs, BDM, and I can appreciate the teachings and more positive spiritual aspects of ALL religion.

My biggest problem, however, is divine JUDGEMENT. If God is everything that God should be/is, He doesn't lower himself to point a finger and judge.

Man does.
Christians will say the opposite. Since all men are sinners, to one degree or another, God should be the ultimate arbiter of your fate. Why leave your fate in the hands of flawed, fallible men, instead of God, who is infallible?

Not that I believe ALL that, but most of it.
I happen to actually think the Trinity is cooler than everyone thinks. I'm mean, sure, but I'm not going to hell. Jesus thinks it's funny.
Yes, but I refuse to have my fate meted out by man's decrees. (I mean, if I fuck up, sure, vote me off the island. I'm not trying to be an antisocial member of society here.)

Who created man? God.
Who created God? Man.

And so it goes, 'round and 'round... Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (Only Mork from Ork knows for sure.)

If I were to subscribe to any kind of organized religion, it would probably be Pantheism.

There is no greater engine or power than the Universe itself.

God is but a concept. And He/She/It can be considered Love, can be considered the whole of the Universse and everything in it, or the vague concept of Infinity itself. I don't try and question It. It just IS.

And we're only here for such a short time...

And it's all about interpretation. How YOU see it from YOUR upbringing, vantage point, and synapses. No ONE is right. And no ONE is wrong.

I DON'T, however, believe there is a CONSCIOUSNESS driving things, nor will I ever get behind the image of some angry Skyfather judging me from on-high, sitting in his ratty Barka lounger, wearing his beer-stained wifebeater, pointing a finger at me, and saying "Do as I say, not as I do."

God is not above sin. God is everything, right? And we were ALL made in His image. I'm ok with that aspect of it.

So, to that end, we're ALL gods, with the ability to create and fuck shit up as we see fit.

And we will be rewarded or punished for our actions by the appropriate agency at the appropriate time.
Heaven SOUNDS great, sure... but I see it as very snobbish, strict, and limiting, a lot of "PLEASE KEEP YOUR PETS AND CHILDREN ON A LEASH", "KEEP OFF THE GRASS", "PLEASE WHISPER", and "NO RUNNING WITH SCISSORS" signs all over the fucking place.

Hell is much more my speed. It encourages freedom of self and all the deviant aspects of Life that I enjoy, where artery-clogging grease and burger joints use clever marketing slogans like "HAVE IT YAHWEH!"