I'll tell you why people are upset about it. It is because what we are dealing with here is some seriously mentally disturbed people. Don't think so? Allow me to summarise:
If you heard a tale about someone who deliberately behaved in an antisocial manner, who then posted videos online gloating about it, who then hunted down info on someone who had complained about it and posted that information publicly against their wishes, as well as handing the information out to others of a similar ilk, so they could do the same. Then, continued the tirade by getting hold of a photograph of the person and defacing that too (also an illegal act), whilst sending threatening messages to that person too. And all this from the comfortably-imagined safety of hiding behind the distance and anonymity of the internet. Would you regard this as the behaviour of a normal, well adjusted social group? A group you wanted to be a part of an activity you enjoy and have paid to take part in? Moreover, would you be at all surprised if someone then complained about it to the authorities if they had been targeted in such a way?
These people are a menace, plain and simple, and if any one of them had to endure what they delight in dishing out, they'd be crying like a baby in seconds, because they have no guts at all, and prefer to combine in a sad little group to bolster their failed bravado, so they can pick on other people and spoil the fun of those who simply want to enjoy an online video game.
But you won't find me crying, what you will find is me doing my best to stop this kind of thing from continuing, and it is a measure of how gutless these people are that in observing someone stand up against them , they are doing there best to stop me, by descending further into their childish pack mentality which centres around rather uninventive attempts to insult me. Their attempts have not worked, despite this going on for well over 100 pages. So unfortunately for them, the best they can muster is a long way from being good enough.
Even so, you can fully expect another round of childish taunts, stupid and defamatory behaviour to follow this post, which will only serve to emphasise the point even further. They are nothing if not predictable, and if I choose not to be bothered by their limited arsenal, then it is a demonstration of how truly powerless they really are when people stand up to them. You will find this to be the case with all people who behave like bullies, whether in the playground, or any other walk of life. They are, as we know, quite evidently cowards.
The fact that it is a video game at the heart of the matter is relevant, but what is more relevant, is that people like this, who think it is okay to indulge in this kind of behaviour, and band together to do it because they are cowards, have quite ably demonstrated that they have some serious social issues along with a serious lack of any moral fibre, and that is why they should be prevented from doing this kind of thing.
We can stand by and let this kind of thing happen, or we can choose to do something about it. We already know how gutless the people are who group together and indulge in this sort of activity are, and we know that they don't care about rules in STO's EULA, or rules of this forum, or indeed the law.
You can be a mindless and cowardly sheep and follow this crowd, or you can stand by and let it happen, or, you can demonstrate that you have a pair, and choose to do something about it. And make no mistake, if you actually like playing the video game that this centers around, then you ought to be prepared to do something to stop it from descending into becoming the plaything of childish, cowardly, social cripples.
You can change the game and make it better by driving off these people, but you'll have to stand up for what you want and have broad enough shoulders to take the childish taunts of these idiots, yet if you do, you'll have a better game. So, if you are not a coward, then here's a question for you....
Do you want to boldly go, or just play at it?