The competition took part in three rounds. The third round --dubbed the Entertainment Round --was what Vince McMahon was hoping would set The World Bodybuilding Federation apart from Weider’s IFBB. Unfortunately, for many bodybuilding purists, watching Danny Padilla acting out Jack and the Beanstalk in a pre-taped video, and then watching the giant actually chase the muscleman onto the Taj Mahal stage wasn’t exactly representative of “bodybuilding the way it was meant to be” as McMahon’s early promotional fliers had promised. One particularly long routine in the 1992 entertainment round saw a video shown of Berry Demey playing roulette in a tux in the Trump Casino as a beautiful woman watched on. After a few moments of flirtatious banter, the woman handed Demey the key to her room. Eventually Demey knocked on the door to her room and she began undressing him as they sipped champagne in the video. The woman, now nude under the covers and smiling, protested as Demey threw his clothes back on so he could head back down to the competition. As the clip came to an end, Demey strutted out onto the stage wearing the same outfit that he wore in the video. After a little more posing, Demey left the stage and the video began again, with the bodybuilder winding up back in the woman’s bed.