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Guns are boring.

Guns can be fun. I just can't afford them right now.

Luckily, my grandfather made me a decent deal on his .30-.30.

I'd like to get a handgun. Rifles make for poor, awkward home protection.

Wacker, you should go out to a range and squeeze off a few rounds. You might surprise yourself.
I used to love hunting squirrels and rabbits and shit when I was younger but I don't like guns in society.

I had some fucker point a berretta at me when I was about 11 years old out of a car window. I reported it and the police got him and it was only a replica but that still didn't endear me to guns much.
^See! THAT wasn't boring at all!


Ok, all kidding aside, firearms are serious business, no lie. However, firemarms alone are not bad, it's the stupid people you need to watch out for. And these same stupid people not only have access to guns, but also to cars, drugs, alcohol, sharp implements, computers, the internet, video cameras, cell phones, heavy machinery, abusive boy/girlfriends, mean dogs, ripped condoms, rotten kids, and expired milk!

People should have licenses just to live in society. And for those who can't play nice? Buh-bye.
Excellent point! I have 2 guns (rifles) in the house AND NO BULLETS!

Just empty shells. Hm... there's a metaphor in there somewhere.
Mentalist said:
I used to love hunting squirrels and rabbits and shit when I was younger but I don't like guns in society.

I had some fucker point a berretta at me when I was about 11 years old out of a car window. I reported it and the police got him and it was only a replica but that still didn't endear me to guns much.

Sorry, I just don't get how you associated the negative feeling that situation produced with the gun more strongly than the idiotic human being who pointed it at you. I mean, I can see how the reflex is an easy one to give in to, but when someone fucks with me and uses an object to do it with, I get pissed off at the person, not at the object.
I was 11 years old. I never said it was logical. It just left me with a bad impression.

Guns are tools. Sometimes they are very useful tools, I just don't get misty eyed over them like some people do.

Now swords... Thats different.
Red Whacker said:
I just don't get the appeal of owning a shitload of firearms.

Well, you need:

A primary (main) gun that is your basic sidearm. This is the one you train and use the most.

Then you have to have a secondary gun or two. Because when the shit hits the fan and something happens to your primary gun, you need a back up. (This is one of the reasons why I like glocks - most of their mags are interchangable in the same caliber)

Its also good to stash a couple of guns in each room. Say, you might be asleep in your bedroom. You need to grab something quick, and your primary/secondary guns might not be handy.

And of course, a gun in each of your bathrooms. Because you know the moment you sit on the can is when an asshole will decide to kick in the door.

(And this also isnt counting the fact that you need different shotgun for special occasions - deer season, quail season, turkey season, weddings, etc, etc. )
And I can't believe I forgot about needing a gun for each season! You can't mix a fall gun with a spring gun. No, sirre bob, that is a big no-no.
RobL said:
And I can't believe I forgot about needing a gun for each season! You can't mix a fall gun with a spring gun. No, sirre bob, that is a big no-no.

Gawd forbid! One gun for each season, and if you count Indian Summer, that makes five.

Don't forget Casual Friday's.
Guns are tools.

Exactly. A human using a gun can kill more people more rapidly than if they were using a less sophisticated weapon like a knife. Guns are tools that make people more efficient at killing.
I love the gun fuckwits, they always have an arguement about showing their guns to their kids to show them how to use it, give it respect etc. They state that they will come across them in society so they should be introduced to them within the safety of their home.

This is the same reason I often bring prostitutes, some recreational drugs and the victim of a nasty burn accident into my home. My kids will come across them, I just think it should happen within the safety of my own home.
headspace said:
I love the gun fuckwits, they always have an arguement about showing their guns to their kids to show them how to use it, give it respect etc. They state that they will come across them in society so they should be introduced to them within the safety of their home.

This is the same reason I often bring prostitutes, some recreational drugs and the victim of a nasty burn accident into my home. My kids will come across them, I just think it should happen within the safety of my own home.

Or we could just keep making more and more laws that, amusingly enough, criminals just don't seem to respect, while continuing to stigmatize and denormalize firearms ownership (and along with it, knowledge regarding the difference between safe and unsafe storage and handling) and thereby maintaining responsible firearms ownership in a cultural blind spot -- because I think we can all see that that policy is working out so well. :gagh:
The Question said:
and thereby maintaining responsible firearms ownership in a cultural blind spot -- because I think we can all see that that policy is working out so well. :gagh:

I'm in the UK, so admit I do have a cultural blind spot when it comes to gun ownership. We've only had one or two school massacres, as opposed to your numbers. Oddly enough the gun rampages we have had were all by people who were not criminals, yet kept their guns safely stored in metal containers.

I keep my crack pipe safely locked away from my kids BTW. It's best that way
headspace said:
I'm in the UK, so admit I do have a cultural blind spot when it comes to gun ownership. We've only had one or two school massacres, as opposed to your numbers.

Well, we all know that sensational crime is the only kind worth thinking about, of course.

Oddly enough the gun rampages we have had were all by people who were not criminals, yet kept their guns safely stored in metal containers.

Which only underscores, as does this report from your own government, just how ineffective prohibition is. But let's not let statistical fact get in the way of ideological crusading.

I keep my crack pipe safely locked away from my kids BTW. It's best that way

Best you do -- they might get all gacked out and join this board like their daddy, and then we wouldn't be able to tell which of you is which.