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Guns don't kill people

BAN BULLETS!? YOU KNOB! What would you have us do, THROW our guns at the target?

I still think the only sure-fire method is to BAN STUPIDITY. If you get rid of the idiots, life will improve markedly.
Show me a way to kill someone from any distance over three feet using a gun if you have no bullets.

btw, the length does not include the bayonet.
Baker said:
Show me a way to kill someone from any distance over three feet using a gun if you have no bullets.

Charge at them with the gun aimed level, screaming, until they turn and run -- directly off the cliff that was behind them.
Mentalist said:
Guns don't kill people, rappers do!

Yeah. Too bad rappers seem to do it more by luck than by skill. We could do with letting them thin their own ranks a little more, but they're such piss-poor shots, all they seem to do is wound each other and bystanders.
Guns don't kill people rappers do,
I seen it in a documentary on BBC2,
Shot to death outside Hyper Value,
Guns blazin like Michael Caine in Zulu,
Gun-crime statistics are sometimes misleading,
The type of criminal that rap is breedin,
Shot in the chest? No wonder you stopped breathin,
2 for the base over, are you receivin?
Remember rap tracks in '87
Scott the Rock's up ni Hip-Hop heaven,
Biggie and Tupac R.I.P,
Even Jam Master Jays in the cemetary.


Guns don't kill people rappers do,
I'm a fucking rapper and I might kill you,
As a rapper I'm teachin you a lesson,
AK47 to Smith-and-Wesson
Just say no, just like Zammo
Bullet proof vest, to guns and ammo,
Hip-hop gangster trippin,
Even Eminems into pistol whippin,
Its like cluedo murder one,
P-Diddy, J'lo in a nightclub with a gun,
Heard snoop dog now wants to bust a cap,
Guns dont kill people its just rap

One, Two yo face my shoe,
My name is Mike Balls and I'm comin through,
Gun crimes, stabbin, and burglarisation,
Its on a rise all across the nation,
The safety's off and the pistol is aimed,
Yardies and the Mafia always get blamed,
Politicians are shamed, and they haven't got a clue,
Rap is more deadly than fucking Kung-Fu


Guns dont kill people rappers do,
From Bristol Zoo to B&Q,
I wanna rap, I wanna rhyme
Heard it in a song now im into gun crime,
Its a sign of the times like Prince changin his name,
Gotta have a shooter to be in the rap game,
Like Michael Ryan about to snap,
Guns dont kill people its just rap!​
The Question said:
Yeah. Too bad rappers seem to do it more by luck than by skill. We could do with letting them thin their own ranks a little more, but they're such piss-poor shots, all they seem to do is wound each other and bystanders.

Good Gawd... for once I agree with you..
I think that the bayonet idea is good. If people were carrying those around in American schools every day instead of having Glocks hidden up their cock ends, the teachers could identify and disable a potential threat with their tazers more efficiently. Then the US president could bomb the school and send any survivors to Guantanamo Bay to be held without trial forever by the Land of the Free.

You do realise, don't you, that the reason you're allowed guns by your constitution is so that you can rise up against your government if it stops working properly? So where the fuck are you? Out shooting squirrels, that's where.
Baker said:
I think that the bayonet idea is good. If people were carrying those around in American schools every day instead of having Glocks hidden up their cock ends, the teachers could identify and disable a potential threat with their tazers more efficiently. Then the US president could bomb the school and send any survivors to Guantanamo Bay to be held without trial forever by the Land of the Free.

You do realise, don't you, that the reason you're allowed guns by your constitution is so that you can rise up against your government if it stops working properly? So where the fuck are you? Out shooting squirrels, that's where.

The squirrels don't mind. If you think they mind, go out and ask any squirrel who doesn't like the idea of being shot to speak up and tell you in plain English why not.

And as far as rappers killing people -- all their tough talk is just that. Talk. They do kill people, of course -- but as previously mentioned, usually not the people they're trying to kill. The people they want to kill usually only ended wounded, or more commonly, with messed undies. It's usually the bystanders who get killed.

Anyone who aims a gun like this:


-- is only going to kill anyone accidentally. I've seen people shoot like that at firing ranges. They couldn't hit once at 10m what I could put a two inch center-of-mass grouping into at 25 -- and I'm half blind.
I have got a gun and I am very good at shooting with it. I don't know why you are calling me a rapper.
Many years ago, I was a young lad that my father taught to use a firearm for hunting and eventually for self-protection if necessary. After joining the US Army, I learned a great deal more about a lot more weapons. Firearms are tools, nothing more, nothing less. They are safe in the hands of people trained to use them and people trained to respect them.

People who fear firearms, fear them in an irrational way. Once you have been exposed to some training, you realize that guns are like anything else that can kill you.

There are people who own guns that I wouldn't want to be around. They don't respect the responsibility that comes with owning a dangerous tool. While I honor the 2nd Amendment, and believe that it is an individual right, not a group or militia right, I would have no problem if all the US states required at least a safety course for people who wanted to possess them.
I agree 100%. Operating heavy machinery, from motorcycles on up, requires training for exactly the same reason -- heavy machinery, if not properly handled, can cause injury or death. The same is true of firearms.

However, personal weaponry was specifically protected by the framers of the Bill of Rights for a special reason -- they were establishing a new government after having just been obligated to employ arms in extricating themselves from a government which they could no longer bear and which would not relinquish control over them any other way.

The feelings many have about our own government now shatter the popular conception that a similarly violent divorce from a government the people can't bear is outside the scope of possibility.