Troll Kingdom

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The TK Project - Donations needed!


Actually no, sure donations would be cool and all, I mean who hasn't dreamt of free cash just thrown at you with no questions asked, but that isn't the TK way.

What TK needs is a loan, thus I turn to you the faithful and ambitious TKer who dreams of seeing TK grow beyond it's little boardish self and who also dreams of being more than just a spectator to all the on goings on this said board.

How much does TK need? I can't say, I can say that between missmanners and me, we already got a good amount in the TK piggybank, but there's a lot more needed.

What is the TK Project about? I can't give details about this either and before anyone asks, no, this isn't to pay for our hosting or board software or anything tech-wise, we're covered in all those aspects. This is about making TK evolve and if I'm not giving details, it's simply because once TK has the money the negotiations will commence, so having cash won't assure anything, all I can really assure you though is that SUCCEED or FAIL, you will be refunded.

Now if we do have enough money and then the project does get the green light then I assure you that all of you that put some money into this, that you will be an active participant in the future developments of TK.

Actually even if this doesn't fly, I'll still know who was interested and will most definitely add you to any future TK projects.

Ok, so how do I lend TK money? PayPal. [email protected]

Nothing more to add, but to assure you once more that I plan to pay back every last penny. The first six people to send TK money will be made part of a special committee presided by missmanners

For more details, PM or e-mail, me or missmanners.

Thank you.

TK Project failed.


Yep it failed, heck it didn't even take off, never made the amount it needed in the first place and no it had nothing to do with that whole Blah incident.

So where does that leave us and me. Well for me now I have to return everyone their cash, I will, I'll personally contact each of you for payment.

And for us, well it's time you all learn who are the members of the special committee presided by missmanners that I told you about.

It'll will be officially announced on Monday, but just so you know the idea was that the first six contributors would make the committee alongside missmanners, unfortunately we didn't make it to the number six. Only four out of the whole TK community cared enough to throw some pennies my way.

Considering that the idea was to have the committee made up of seven people and we only have missmanners plus four, that leaves two spots vacant. Those two spots are automagically filled by Sardonica and myself.

Now, I personally don't want to be a part of the committee so I will decide on one poster from you all to take my spot. You must realize that after the lack of faith demonstrated from you posters towards my Ultra Secret TK Project, I am to say the least vexed.

Which ultimately means that the candidates to fill my spot can be anyone that does not conform to the TK model.

Without further ado (always wanted to type that out) here are the four that wish for TK a more prosperous future.


Presided by the lovely cookie baking missmanners.


To be chosen by Red Whacker

That is all.


I quit.


I don't give a fuck anymore.

After this post I'm removing myself from the administration.

Also missmanners be sure to change all passwords, I'm unstable emotionally at the moment and don't want to find myself fucking things up for everyone.

Oh, but I'm keeping the e-mail account.

That is all.

Does this have anything to do with that recent thing?
Look at this!!
