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Happy Birthday, Sardonica!


Yeah what they said. Gotta make this quick, there are still three departure threads to mock, two wannabes to flame, I gotta tell hambil to fix the fucking board, yell at LG for a minute, and play some mini-pool.

Just trying to fit in...
Happy Birthday Sardy!

Now when do I get my interview!!! I kid, I kid! *looks around to see if anyones looking* ((((((Sardy)))))) one saw me! :bigass:
Happy birthday.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd MAnnNnNnny MOOOoRRrREEE~!!!;'11;l kl;k1l;11'
Sardonica said:
Yep, my B-Day for real. I actually did mention it the other night, but MSN was acting kinda funky if I recall..... Birthday's today, but we celebrated yesterday. Went out for a nice Mexican dinner with the kids. El Bandito: great place, mariachi's wandering from table to table, free tequila shots, the works... pretty much the POLAR OPPOSITE of that that awful fast food Mexican delivery joint that almost killed me all those years ago!!!
LOL it took down a couple other victims before we finally stopped calling them. ;)