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Has a movie ever made you cry?


New member
I guess I'm just in a queer mode today...

I'll admit it.

Brian's song, Schindler's list and Where the red fern grows have made me a little misty in the past.
HeroicFool said:
I guess I'm just in a queer mode today...

I'll admit it.

Brian's song, Schindler's list and Where the red fern grows have made me a little misty in the past.

I guess dying football players, Little girls in red coats, and dead dogs get to me. :P

There was some emotion in the Return of the king, but it was a beautiful thing. Didn't get the waterworks going for me. ;)
Women are lying to you when they say they want a man sensitive enough to cry. It's a test, to weed out the WIMPS!! Women are devious like that.
Small addendum:

I think for men crying is a bit like jerking off. We have all done it, but it's not something that we're going to talk about at the dinner table. ;)
I got a little choked up when Captain Spaulding, Baby, and Otis got whacked at the end of "The Devils Rejects".

If there's a guy on this forum that watched "Rudy" and says he didn't get a bit misty eyed at the end - he a fucking liar, as well as a non-athletic, picked-last-for-every-game-in-gym waste of sperm.
I go in phases where movies can make me cry, and then they can't.

The most surprising one to make me bawl was The Killing Fields. Powerful stuff.
Milo & Otis. I just saw it for the first time in the last six months and I was crying through the whole thing, but I cried the most when Otis went off into the winter freeze to die because Milo had dropped him for the nearest cat.
Powder and Rudy were some great movies and highly emotional I have to agree.

Don't recall crying for either, but the emotions were strong.
Rudy sucked IMO. I cried afterwards cuz I couldn't believe I sat thru the entire fucking movie.
Ol Yeller gets me everytime.