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Have you ever been so tired you're sick to your stomach?

Oh, I try for it every night. But it eludes me. And yes, I've tried nearly every sleeping pill on the market. So, I "went to bed" at about 3:30 this morning then woke up for work at 6 am. WHEEEEEEEEE! I've gone mad!

M A D!!!
Simple tiredness isn't really an issue with me. Lately, I've been truly exhausted. Not sleepy, not tired, just completely physically and mentally drained. Sunday, my one day off, I did too much, and paid the price. After working 65 hours, I really shouldn't have gone to the playground for 2 hours then played golf in the hot sun for 4. I got home and was shaking; I literally passed out on the couch at 6:15 and slept until 11. I woke up, and even though I was stripped down to my underwear, no shirt or anything, I was sweating like crazy. And I had the room down to 70 degrees! I drank a liter of water and stumbled upstairs for another 8 hours of deeeeep sleep.

I assume that insomnia is worse than exhaustion, but exhaustion is pretty bad too.
BTW, if you are tired all the time constantly, you might want to get checked out for B12 deficiency.

Junk food diets have a way of making our bodies pay the price around 30
^^D'oh! I just turned 35, and my diet recently turned to shit. I need to eat better and start running again, it's a viscious cycle. I don't have the energy to run, I eat bad, I gain weight, I have no energy, etc.
Once you have B12 deficiency there is no going back, even having a good diet wont do you any good, as your body no longer processes B12 from food, you could eat liver every day it would do you no good, the good news is a B12 injection every three months sorts you out
Are you sure you're sick to your stomach from fatigue, or from all that swallowing you mention in your sex thread?

Huh? Huh? Which is it, you dirty whore?

I guess it's both, since you probably don't have much time to sleep with all that fucking!

You're a sick little fuck, ain't ya?

How 'bout ol Daddy Venom here slap the stink out of you, you little wanker peckerwood?
I hear ya Tisi, except I have the opposite problem. Getting sleep, but waking up feeling like I've gotten none.
Darkside said:
Are you sure you're sick to your stomach from fatigue, or from all that swallowing you mention in your sex thread?

Huh? Huh? Which is it, you dirty whore?

I guess it's both, since you probably don't have much time to sleep with all that fucking!


You're just jealous because I ain't swallowing anything cumming out of you.
Tisiphone said:
You're just jealous because I ain't swallowing anything cumming out of you.

Oh, yep, you got me. That's exactly it, slutbag.

I'm jealous because a diseased cock-hungry cumlusting bitch like yourself doesn't want to give me HIV.

I'm practically dying from jealousy.

Tisiphone said:
You're just jealous because I ain't swallowing anything cumming out of you.

I'll level with you, sweetheart.

Venom is jealous.

You interested? I'd spank that ass for you 'til you can't sit for a week.

And that's before drinks.

Darkside said:
Oh, yep, you got me. That's exactly it, slutbag.

I'm jealous because a diseased cock-hungry cumlusting bitch like yourself doesn't want to give me HIV.

I'm practically dying from jealousy.


Oooh...I love it when you talk nasty. Gets me all hot and bothered.

And you wouldn't be dying from jealousy, but pleasure if you would only accept me.

Your loss.
Tisiphone said:
Oooh...I love it when you talk nasty. Gets me all hot and bothered.

And you wouldn't be dying from jealousy, but pleasure if you would only accept me.

Your loss.

Fuck that little white faggot bitch, Tisi.

I accept you. And if you accept me (an inch at a time is usually necessary), you'll be wanting to die from pleasure yourself.