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Hayden and the CIA confirmation


New member
Do ya really think a General is the best person to head up the CIA????

I have had personal dealings with both.........a GENERAL and someone in the CIA. Do we really need to hand that much power over to people who will use that power against ordinary citizens????
FederalAgent007 said:
Do ya really think a General is the best person to head up the CIA????

I have had personal dealings with both.........a GENERAL and someone in the CIA. Do we really need to hand that much power over to people who will use that power against ordinary citizens????

You had personal dealings with both? Which of your vast collection of novels was this? Perhaps a Tom Clancy novel? W.E.B. E. Griffen??
SaintLucifer said:
You had personal dealings with both? Which of your vast collection of novels was this? Perhaps a Tom Clancy novel? W.E.B. E. Griffen??

The ex's side...........weren't they the people who paid your brother to create a Burglary charge on me with the Dept. of Correction compooters??
FederalAgent007 said:
The ex's side...........weren't they the people who paid your brother to create a Burglary charge on me with the Dept. of Correction compooters??

Your momma's ex you mean? Or your daddy's? One can never remember can they considering how fucked up your family is. No wonder you are such a psychotic wreck. If someone actually had you charged in the manner you described above, I should like to shake that individual's hand. The ULTIMATE TROLL I daresay.
^^Well.........since I don't care what you think and I wish you would drop dead (I'm serious about the dead part.........I hope someone puts a bullet in your head) is a little FYI for you.

300,000 compensatory
300,000 punitive

Some boys are going to be paying me cold, hard cash for all my pain and suffering, intentional infliction of emotional distress, trying to ruin my life, creating a criminal record on me...........and doing all of this as employees of state and federal agents. They will also be paying Sardy or he will be writing a book about the whole see, he has everything (if not more than) I do. Shall I give you an example of one government agency who will be paying??? The Department of employee of theirs used company computers to commit malicious acts. Then there are the federal agencies I shall not name, but who committed illegal acts of their own. Then we have the greedy bastard who took taxpayers money and acted like a .................greedy bastard. Then there is the dirty, incompetent lawyer I had who didn't even know what the charge was against me, didn't investigate this criminal activity, didn't know that I am not a Burglar...........that someone was acting in an official government capacity to create a criminal record on me, thereby setting up Eric to come in for the kill.

The whacked-out little boys who carried out this malicious charade are going to be facing a judge. Eric, in particular, is really screwed because he lied to the court and a judge in order to have a citizen falsely arrested, committed illegal acts with State property and on State time and did so with malicious intent. He will probably end up serving several years in a prison. You.........will probably get away with a lot of your illegal activites, but you will be held accountable for what I have "evidence" on and what comes out in a jury trial. If anything, you should count yourself lucky that you were able to get others to carry out your illegal activities thereby others will be paying a heavy price for their stupidity in listening to you.

Last, but not least, you will probably end up with a bullet in your head and the world we be a better place when that happens.