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Here, watch a movie.

The Question said:

Just don't expect too much -- it was my first time and I was drunk.

Damn. He was everything I thought he was. A full-blown LOSER. *ROTFLMAO*. He even looks like one too. What a pathetic little man.
The Question said:
^^I don't need to, you just did that yourself.

I watched it for all of 10 seconds with no sound, then simply removed myself from the site as I was terribly close to vomiting.
SaintLucifer said:
I watched it for all of 10 seconds with no sound, then simply removed myself from the site as I was terribly close to vomiting.
Translation: I've been caught in a lie.
SaintLucifer said:

But, but I did not watch it. How on earth did I get the address?? MORONS.

You're the moron if you think hitting "quote" on the OP and then copying the address to the video will somehow prove that you watched it -- when your failure to recognize a reference to something in it shows pretty persuasively that you didn't watch it.
Sarek said:
Oh I don't know. Um, you might have right clicked on the link and selected "properties"?

Na. You're to retarded to figure out something that easy.

OMMFG. You are not only PSYCHO but STUPID. Tell me. WHY would anyone simply decide to 'right-click' on it? For what purpose? This wish to look at the address and not bother?? Are you this fucking retarded? To right-click on that is completely redundant but then again YOU are redundant.

By the way, I can GUARANTEE you are no cop. You would never pass the psychological evaluation. You know it, I know it and everyone else here knows it. Now run along and quit pestering the adults.
SaintLucifer said:
By the way, I can GUARANTEE you are no cop.


So Luci, ever have your shit pushed in?