Troll Kingdom

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Here's the Dealio


New member apology can go a long way so what everyone is going to do now is apologize to JillianBacardi for everything terrible they have done to me. This is the official:

Apologize To JillianBacardi thread.

We will start with alpinweiss.

for not doing all the things he said he was going to do to me. *shivers with delight thinking about it*
There's no member on this board with that username. And I take it this means you've finally realized you don't have a popsicle's chance in hell of winning any court case.
^which court case would that be The Question. Why even bring it up?

I'm a survivor, I'm going to make it. I believe what you are referring to are a few people on this board, some of them in positions of power, abusive power, tried to take me down for no good reason, purely malicious. You won as far as that goes. I have sold almost everything I own this week, am getting ready to put my house-that-will-sell-quickly on the market, I am moving, starting over, I don't mind working hard, I will be fine........... You all can claim victory for "taking me down, putting me in my place". No one here need fear me, all I am doing is trying to prove my has taken me more than a year to get to this point.

If I bunch of boys get caught with their dirty hands in the cookie won't be me smacking your pee-pees.

Here's to ya TQ.
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end they always fall........always.
The Question said:
There's no member on this board with that username. And I take it this means you've finally realized you don't have a popsicle's chance in hell of winning any court case.

YOu are a dirty fucker.