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HEY Tig.........


New member
I know you wouldn't get your hands have too much to lose, I suspected once I saw the dla/mil.cia simply because Tim is an idiot.

Tim's Dad = RetLtGen
His Brother = former CIA if he got the Homeland Security job.

When I called Susan and Marianne.............I told them both I didn't think you would be stupid enough to put your ass on the line in a divorce case.

Looks like I was wrong. I thought you were the smart one. Goes to show you how these Ivy-League, well-educated (Vanderbilt, Harvard) FOO's abuse the power the American citizens have given them. I knew when my lawsuit requesting a 12-person jury be impaneled was thwarted it had to be:

U.S. Rep

All of the above. You guys didn't count on a bubble-headed blonde being smarter than you--I am not Julie nor am I a drama queen wife/mother like you are used to. Fuck you assholes, I hope all this exposure I have given you and your Goddamn agencies has been worth it. If the DOJ doesn't do something..........I will get a jury......make no mistake about it. You won't be able to cover the ace I have and when I get it this will be SKAN DOE LUS. I can be just as dirty........lets drag all the skeletons out of the closet while we are at it.

I will take a street cop/detective over you political fucktards any day. You guys are the real terrorists.
^Stupidity breeds stupidity.

I know that hate that I threw a wrench in their dirty little plan in the form of Medicare. Then there is the FACT they got a lot of other people involved that were easy to trip the Court Clerk who is a CLOSE personal friend of Tim's, the D.A. who didn't believe me when I said the FBI was on this board, all the private citizens who have records, all the witnesses................the worst was me finding out about the FORGED previous arrest record and Burglary charge.


I will get the statements EVERY federal agent has made in my case. The FACT remains crimes were committed/commissioned. That is the bottom line.
What is the difference between private sector criminals and government criminals??

The private sector criminals are smarter, they have to be.

government-employed criminals are lazy, not as smart as they think, don't know how to run the game as well when left to their own resources and when they are "CAUGHT" the American public holds them to a much higher standard since we don't pay them to be criminals.
I take it back, we are paying government-employed criminals............we don't realize it until their misdeeds are exposed and I am just the person to expose them after all the vile things they have done to me.

Then they have the nerve to call Muslims the terrorists. What a fucking joke.