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How I am Feeling


When I woke up I don't know how I was feeling but soon after I started to feel down. Then I felt pretty down but then for a few hours I felt pretty cheerful. Then I started to feel down again and all I wanted to to do was come to The Badlands and start threads about DOOM DOOM DOOM OH WHY CANT I BE HAPPY WILL YOU LET ME DISAPPEAR? But then I started to feel mildly euphoric and then calm, collected, and satisfied. Then I felt down for about 15 minutes and then I got distracted but then I felt better. Over the last hour I've felt okay.

I'm not sure how I'll feel later. I guess I'll find out!! But I won't find out how the top of my left hand feels because I haven't had feeling in it since I woke up on September 7th after my first night with Gin and Tonic. I could still taste the gin 20 hours after I stopped drinking. Not bad, I haven't had gin and tonic again since then but I liked it pretty well so I probably will at some point.
See? Cheerful. Some people think I'm the biggest optimist they've ever met; others think I'm the biggest pessimist. What am I? Pragmatic? WHO-O-O KNOWS? ASK SCARLET!
I probably spelt that wrong, but then I had 11 seconds to look it up anyway. But didn't feel like it.
Hmmm optimist-really?
pessimist-no, not neccesarily.
but why need a label?
I am irritated because I don't know where to look. Happy because I am so fortunate. Envious of others, so many others for so many reasons. Dejected because I am so certain that my fortunes will end on the morrow.
I don't know if they will but perhaps my good fortunes have already ended and I am unaware of it. When will I find out?
I don't even know what I expected from this place tonight, or any other night.
I just want to come and have fun, and whatever, chill the fuck out, then everyone has to be talking about who should and shouldn't be an admin. Chill the Fuck out People.
Gonad said:
I am irritated because I don't know where to look. Happy because I am so fortunate. Envious of others, so many others for so many reasons. Dejected because I am so certain that my fortunes will end on the morrow.
Look for what?
Counting ones fortunes is good.
Don't be enviuos-the grass is always greener

oh, sorry, maybe you just wanted someone to listen
Yes, the grass *is* always greener and I have so much to be thankful for.
Don't worry about the admin thing, there always needs to be some form of pot-stirring. I want to add something to this but I don't know what.
I should listen to myself.
Although I don't really feel I have anything to complain about, I don't at this moment.
Gonad said:
Don't worry about the admin thing, there always needs to be some form of pot-stirring. I want to add something to this but I don't know what.
Not worried.
Just bored with it already.
It gets old and stupid, I mean here I am posting away, not really ever having problems with anyone. I mean wtf? i know people need to complain, etc etc
If you're really that bored you can always pick a fight. Or pre-plan a fight with someone if you don't want to risk... but not me, I'm too lazy to fight tonight.