Imperium said:
Yes, keeps the cheater JackMess out.
:bigass: I'm glad you are thinking that.
Limpster, let me clue you in to something. I am not Mess, nor have I ever been. I earned my stripes the real way on this board. My 270 duals were for show, I only used them as needed, yet the Hampster feared me so greatly he banned me and deleted all of them but this one.
Caitriona, well both her sets of lips seem to function these days, with the same hollow "maybe-I'll-let-only-you-see-the-secret-if-you're-good" schtick, but you know I march to a different drummer (much the same way you're learning to JackDance(tm), and I must say Limpy, you might consider quitting your job to pursue that career, you're getting to be that good at it) and that TrollKingdom is my home, transplanted or otherwise.
While I like arcades, a flashgame is still just a flashgame, and TK is what I like online, not online video games. That troll worked for like a minute, and now I could care less about flashgames, especially registereing to some dysfunctional messageboard in the process. As far as arcades go, I found someone who has cracked Guitar Hero II, and is sending me the mod for it so I can transpose any song I want to an eprom in that format. Kind of complicated, but I'm excited.
So Mr Imperium sir, have fun playing video games at SC. I'll be thinking of you during some future Tool set :bigass: