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I Can Relate to Beth Twitty

FederalAgent007 said:
I feel her pain and frustration.

.........all the lies, cover-ups, screw-ups.

Put that book down bitch. Slowly now. *motions the mental institute workers to move forward with the straightjacket* You are going back where you belong you psychotic fuck.
^^Hey, did you ever get in touch with the Department of Corrections??? When you are over there, will you find out who it is I burglarized??? and what I got in the burglary???? cause I'm having a yard sale this week-end and I wouldn't want to put any "hot" goods in it.
FederalAgent007 said:
^^Hey, did you ever get in touch with the Department of Corrections??? When you are over there, will you find out who it is I burglarized??? and what I got in the burglary???? cause I'm having a yard sale this week-end and I wouldn't want to put any "hot" goods in it.

Oh yes. I talked to them yesterday. The Department of Corrections wants to know why you have not reported to your Parole Officer. They also told me to ask why you keep telephoning the Suicide Hotline. They are pissed off because you keep telling the Hotline that you will kill yourself at that very moment yet you never do it. They wish you would follow through and quit wasting everyone's time. The Suicide Hotline has been ordered to block your number.