Troll Kingdom

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I can't believe N.A.P. is holding his own against all of you

Can't speak for anyone else, but I hardly feel like the same ol retarded bullshit being thrown in my direction hardly qualifies as holding his own. This shit's actually getting boring.
It's best that Jack and his faggot squad hang out at the other forums at Troll Kindom. Consider this spot "The Property of N.A.P",

Blackfoot, geedis and Steve Samurai Jack.
It's amazing that Chuck felt so moved by the retardedness of three people being pwned endlessly that he was compelled to start a thread about it pointing that little detail out.

You should be ashamed of yourself. :bigass: But thanks for the props.
I love how he's "holding his own"

fake geedis said:
Is that my shit on your dick?

But then, you pick your "heroes" where you can find them, eh? :bigass:
The Question said:
The Commies, constant as sewer stench. All the more pathetic for their delusions of adequacy.
she's just upset about the pwning she was subjected to yesterday in "Armchair Philosophers" aka Couch Potato Crackpots
Trust me, you don't want to read these threads, "Martin Luther King: Sacred Cow" and "Happy Dead Nigger Day." It will make you stupider.
Wisdom said:
Trust me, you don't want to read these threads, "Martin Luther King: Sacred Cow" and "Happy Dead Nigger Day." It will make you stupider.

Cute way to dodge the truth. Just call it all stupid.

How many lemmings you got following you?
See Cranky, even though I don't necessarily agree with "dead nigger day" I think Lenny and Squiggy are total hypocrites for criticizing it.

Wisdom's previous incarnation was "cock-chugger" :bigass:

I guess it's OK to say that, but you DRAW THE LINE at nigger?

Pretty stupid, but what do you expect from someone who gets excited about comics?