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I hate DayCare.

FederalAgent007 said:
So you admit you are a boring retard.

If I was a boring retard, why would you respond to my post you dimwitted old hag? Don't you have some blood you should be getting transfused to you by someone much younger than you like say 80 years of age?
^yeah.......keep trying to convince yourself of that. Fact is.......I trolled all you boys out because of that attitude. You=superior/arrogant
Me=FruitcakeAlcoholicCrackHeadWhore the part so I can troll all of you and make your peepee's hurt.

Enkephalen said:
What did you do to get yourself DCed?

According to the court clerk and sheriff's dept, I criminally harassed a person who claimed someone messaged him to come over here because I was dissin' he and his bro. Within a few days I was summonsd and arrested. I didn't know I had a Burglary charge and previous arrest until I took my ex-lawyer before the board.

They banned me for a while which was good.......I didn't need to be here at the time.
Just out of curiousity, you wouldn't happen to be the law enforcement, gunslinging, Yahoo former Ranger who created the Burglary charge were you??

I contacted the Court Clerk's office for a copy of the Burglary Report. I wanted to know who I burglarized and what I got!!

Supposedly, I robbed missmanners at illegal gunpoint, stole her counterfeiting machine, couldn't figure out how to use it, threw it into the nearest deep lake and she had the nerve to press charges against me.

Or............create a charge. I didn't have an officer "serve" me, nor was I subjected to fingerprinting and photo session which would have pushed me over the edge. I came close to the edge after my first "booking".

You guys will never understand how traumatizing it is until it happens to you.
FederalAgent007 said:
Just out of curiousity, you wouldn't happen to be the law enforcement, gunslinging, Yahoo former Ranger who created the Burglary charge were you??

I contacted the Court Clerk's office for a copy of the Burglary Report. I wanted to know who I burglarized and what I got!!

Supposedly, I robbed missmanners at illegal gunpoint, stole her counterfeiting machine, couldn't figure out how to use it, threw it into the nearest deep lake and she had the nerve to press charges against me.

Or............create a charge. I didn't have an officer "serve" me, nor was I subjected to fingerprinting and photo session which would have pushed me over the edge. I came close to the edge after my first "booking".

You guys will never understand how traumatizing it is until it happens to you.
sounds like you had a bad day.
The Question said:

What happened to this thread TQ?? The one whereby you were "outed" again?? you and your law enforcement buddies got mad, then altered the thread.

Why?? what do you have to hide that all of us don't know already?
Sarek said:
*Twilight Zone theme plays in background*

Twilight this enforcement like you are the reason citizens have NO faith in your ability to do the job. Instead of "creating" criminals........why don't you go out and actually catch the bad guys???? Is it too hard??? YOu fucking losers...........more and more people don't trust you for a GOOD reason. I used to have all the faith in you..........that changed last year.........I don't trust any of you now. I have joined the growing ranks of Americans who think you guys are out of control.

I cannot place all the blame on you...........the majority goes to your superiors who obviously aren't doing their jobs or they would reign you in.