Troll Kingdom

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I have now decided.....

I have also started posting more real life opinions of mine here. I guess I feel more open now, and it is sort of an overwhelming feeling. Even sharing this is odd for me. But the cool thing is-I am mostly invisible here anyway. I sort of like that about this place.
No, apparently not enough, I would really enjoy playing with her again. I wish she would re-consider and just let herself go with me, without the fear of becoming "too-involved" Just let loose and enjoy it Friday, don't worry.
I miss you too, Love Child. You are actually one of the only things I miss about posting regularly here. But "letting go" is not an option, I'm afraid. My damn principles keep getting in the way.

I'll hang out with ya, tho.

How have you been? :)
So what does that say about my "principles"? lol!
But I don't "care" about those right?
Or maybe I believe there is no such thing as principles on the internet.
But that is a topic for another day.
I am soo shocked to see you! I had no idea you might still be hanging around! I was going to write you a PM asking where you hang out-besides You tube, I wont' go there!
I'm ok for the most part.
How are you?
Maybe someday we'll chat and not infront of 10,000 people-and I don't mean that kind of chat either. Just to chat.
I don't judge you. Only God can do that. I only know what's right *for me*. Even tho I probably wouldn't make some of the choices you do, you still are one of my fave TKers. :)

It would make me feel upset if you thought I judged you in any way. I really don't.

Besides YouTube, I really don't post regularly on any board. Well, I don't *officially* post on any board. If I told you more than that, I'd have to kill ya. ;) :D
OMG! I would so love to be killed by you Friday! :D

And I don't feel you judge me at all. Ok, maybe once I did when I realized something. But I think I'm over that now. I would probably be curiuos to what "choices" you speak of tho-but privately, not publicly.
BTW, another reason why I was gone is because I was in the hospital. I'm better now, but the antibiotic they gave me intravenously gave me severe insomnia. I didn't sleep at all for the first 48 hours after I came home. Honestly, after about the 40th hour, I started imagining the graphics in my computer popping out at me.

In hindsight, it's quite amusing. :D

But no, I would never judge you. And hope you are doing well, both personally and professionally.