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I leave you with this.......

I hate you

New member
We start this story of Ragnarok with the collage Ouroboros Comes, though it is not part of the Ragnarok legend. It depicts the World Serpent girding the Earth (or Midgard), poised to take hold of his tail, in the moment before time began.

Ragnarok begins with the Death of Baldr. Baldr was the fairest of all the gods. One day Odin had a dream that Baldr was in imminent danger, and so he forced Frigg to extract an oath from all the things on Earth, living or inanimate, that they would not harm his son. After this the inhabitants of Asgard found it amusing to throw all manner of objects at Baldr, knowing he could not be hurt. This play annoyed Loki, and he, in disguise, found out that Frigg had not received an oath from one plant, the mistletoe, thinking it too young to be a threat. The spiteful Loki then took a sprig of mistletoe and persuaded the blind god Hoder to throw it at Baldr, guiding Hoder's hand so that it struck Baldr in the heel. Baldr died on the spot.

The Aesir grieved deeply at this death, especially Odin, who knew what must follow. Hermod, another of Odin's sons, was convinced to go to Hel, in the Kingdom of the Dead, and bring Baldr back to Asgard. After a perilous journey Hermod reached the Hall of the Dead and made his request of Hel. Hel agreed to release Baldr on the condition that everything in the world weep for him. Tears were shed by everything in the world, like frost melting when the sun returns, save for one gnarled giantess, who was actually Loki in disguise. This time even Loki could not stand up to the wrath of the other gods, and they caught the mischievous one and tied him to a rock with the entrails of one of Loki's own sons. The gods then set a snake to drip its venom on Loki's face until Ragnarok. Though Sigyn, Loki's wife caught as much of the poison as she could, when she left to empty the bowl the venom fell on Loki, and his struggles shook the earth.

Ragnarok, the time of the destruction of the gods, will be ushered in by many signs and portents; great wars will rage across the earth, brother will turn against brother, incest and murder will become commonplace. When the pursuing wolves, released at the creation to set the heavens in motion, catch first the sun and then the moon, a great cold will descend on the Earth.

The mountains will be shattered and every land will tremble, even the World Tree will sway with the chaos. All the fettered monsters will break loose and rage across the Three Worlds; the Serpent will emerge from the sea and Fenrir the Wolf will advance mouth agape. The seas will rise and the ship of dead men's nails, Naglfar, will be launched, crewed by giants with Loki as helmsman. Legions will march from Muspell, Heimdall will sound his horn and the Aesir will ride out. All forces are destined to meet on the plain for the last battle of the gods. Odin will meet his adversary, the Wolf; Thor will battle the Serpent; Freyr will fight Surt and Heimdall will engage Loki. Thor will kill the Serpent, but die of his wounds, as will Heimdall. Odin will be devoured by the Wolf, who is killed in turn by Odin's son. All the gods and monsters must die to cleanse the Worlds of their darkness.

Out of this carnage a new world will arise, lit by a brighter sun and moon, to be ruled over by Baldr the Fair and peopled by two who had hidden in the World Tree. Another cycle is begun, the circle of the Ouroboros.
It's actually Wotan not "Odin" you left wing maggot .The Norse gods were immmortal only through certain actions, and only through Iðunn's apples could they hope to live until Ragnarök. Its much more complicated then Wotan, Further otherworldly realms include Álfheim, home of the light-elves (ljósálfar), Svartálfaheim, home of the dark-elves, Nidavellir, home of the dwarves. Theres also Midgard, whch was considered the world of men.Or atleast these were the beliefs of the scandinavian peoples.

You know nothing of Indo-European tales and beliefs.
Sarek said:
Who cares? The rest of us can analysis the shit out of it after you retards leave.
Well I didn't expect a weakling inhuman retard like yourself to care. But thats the whole point. Isn't that what I said in my first post on this thread? stop bitching like a simpleton and calm down.
Deaths Head said:
It's actually Wotan not "Odin" you left wing maggot .The Norse gods were immmortal only through certain actions, and only through Iðunn's apples could they hope to live until Ragnarök. Its much more complicated then Wotan, Further otherworldly realms include Ãlfheim, home of the light-elves (ljósálfar), Svartálfaheim, home of the dark-elves, Nidavellir, home of the dwarves. Theres also Midgard, whch was considered the world of men.Or atleast these were the beliefs of the scandinavian peoples.

You know nothing of Indo-European tales and beliefs.
What about Perun?

And no, it's Odin.
Sarek said:
No need for a long goodbye. Just get the fuck out.

Such anger and hostility. I apologize for getting your panties in a bunch. Go straighten them out before you get a yeast infection.
What makes you think I'm a simpleton? Or are you, like your comrades, trying to be nothing more than inflammatory without any cause whatsoever?
Messenger said:
What makes you think I'm a simpleton?

Oh I do not know if you are, it is just an educated guess on my part. By reading many of your posts, it is obvious you are easily played.

Messenger said:
Or are you, like your comrades, trying to be nothing more than inflammatory without any cause whatsoever?

This is supposed to be a troll board, right? Oh I forget, "flaming is not trolling". Please forgive me, I am not near the caliber of troll that you are. I am sorry, it is just a "n00b" mistake. I will work on that.
I hate you said:
Oh I do not know if you are, it is just an educated guess on my part. By reading many of your posts, it is obvious you are easily played.
404, didn't read.

This is supposed to be a troll board, right? Oh I forget, "flaming is not trolling". Please forgive me, I am not near the caliber of troll that you are. I am sorry, it is just a "n00b" mistake. I will work on that.
I so expected this speil from you. What a bunch whiny cunts.

If you're going to backpedal, do it properly.
I love you, I hate you.

I've always been enthralled by Nagelfar, but was equally fascinated by Skidbladnir.