I Love Cunt
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Pit bulls are the best dogs. It's even worse when you see one with a shitty owner and you know it would still fucking die for them.
fucking cool hah! it represents the mislabeling that Pitt bulls are savages I have liked near every Pitt bull I know its the owners that are usually the shit heads
fucking cool hah! it represents the mislabeling that Pitt bulls are savages I have liked near every Pitt bull I know its the owners that are usually the shit heads
Pitt bulls are not mindless at all they are highly intelligent and full of personality, you obviously never owned one.
That may be true, but golden retrievers(like the one I use to own) are more loyal, intelligent, and full of personality than any pitbull.
It's hard NOT to be an aSephicionado of his av!:day: