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I Negged Onyx

Love Child

One Love
Because he asked Neon what was wrong with her avatar. I didn't think that was very nice but perhaps I took it the wrong way!

Either way, it was one neg in the midst of several positive green karma I have given "him." I say "him" because, well I have never met Onyx or the poster known as Onyx to my knowledge.
There are so many people that I have seen a picture of here at TK, or that I have met in person, or on line or spoken with on the phone.
Onyx continues to demand pictures from eloisel and question Neon's avatar. I have never seen a picture of Onyx. Have you? Anyone?
I posted a pic of us at Ben and Jerry's silly. Of course he's a real person.
maybe I'm your violent ex-husband... heh, bet you never considered that

Well, I did consider that because the penis you posted and claimed to be yours looks a great deal like my 2nd ex's looked a long time ago. However, you post here too often and you've been here longer than he has even heard of this place. He's in his bunker in Idaho or Utah or Iowa or wherever his bunker is these days. He may have internet access, I don't know. He is interested in other things when he is in his bunker.
Well, I did consider that because the penis you posted and claimed to be yours looks a great deal like my 2nd ex's looked a long time ago. However, you post here too often and you've been here longer than he has even heard of this place. He's in his bunker in Idaho or Utah or Iowa or wherever his bunker is these days. He may have internet access, I don't know. He is interested in other things when he is in his bunker.

hah ha - you're trying to convince us that your husband had a 12 inch cock?

that's the kind of boastful lie an 18 yo would make
here you go Eloisel, something to think about tonight while you're in bed


(that's me btw)
here you go Eloisel, something to think about tonight while you're in bed


(that's me btw)

Woo hoo - I'm taking this upstairs so it doesn't encroach on LC's thread further. I'm posting from my Nook so I can't copy and paste the link to your hind end. The new thread will be titled VKD's Hairless Butt. See ya.