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Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Yes kids, that fun time of year when we reflect on Jesus' death and resurrection and get a visit from the Holy Easter Bunny!!

The fun starts on Thursday, Maundy Thursday when it's Pedicure By Your Priest Day! Make your appointment and pick your color.

Friday is Good Friday, good if you get it off but since only Jews take off Holy Days of Obligation that aren't government ordered most of us will be working and thinking about the scarey events planned for that night at church.

Saturday is Easter "Spookey" Vigil tempered by the decorating of the Easter eggs for the Holy Easter Bunny to come and hide. Many people don't know this because it was left out of the Bible but the Holy Easter Bunny hid Easter eggs the night before Jesus' resurrection. It's true, Mary Magdelene was hunting for eggs when she found that Jesus' body was missing from his tomb.

Finally we have Easter Sunday and the glorious celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead insuring life everlasting. And that is why we have the basket full of teeth rotting candy because life everlasting is SWEET! And the other plus, we Episcopalians can go back to Rite II, Rite I is so hard to say.

The Lord Is Risen! (but not yet so don't respond)
I want to bite the head off a chocolate Jesus and masturbate to images of Heff's bunnies hiding eggs in interesting places.

But that's me.
I forgot that not everyone gets Good Friday off, since I always did.

But yeah, this is a solemn week for Christians.

Did anyone watch The Gospel of Judas last night?
To steal a bit from Bill:

Why Bunnies? Where's the connection there? Why not goldfish hiding Lincoln Logs in your sock drawer? At least a goldfish pushing a lincoln log across your bedroom floor has a miraculous connotation to it...
Laker_Girl said:
Yes kids, that fun time of year when we reflect on Jesus' death and resurrection and get a visit from the Holy Easter Bunny!!

The fun starts on Thursday, Maundy Thursday when it's Pedicure By Your Priest Day! Make your appointment and pick your color.

Friday is Good Friday, good if you get it off but since only Jews take off Holy Days of Obligation that aren't government ordered most of us will be working and thinking about the scarey events planned for that night at church.

Saturday is Easter "Spookey" Vigil tempered by the decorating of the Easter eggs for the Holy Easter Bunny to come and hide. Many people don't know this because it was left out of the Bible but the Holy Easter Bunny hid Easter eggs the night before Jesus' resurrection. It's true, Mary Magdelene was hunting for eggs when she found that Jesus' body was missing from his tomb.

Finally we have Easter Sunday and the glorious celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead insuring life everlasting. And that is why we have the basket full of teeth rotting candy because life everlasting is SWEET! And the other plus, we Episcopalians can go back to Rite II, Rite I is so hard to say.

The Lord Is Risen! (but not yet so don't respond)

Yet Jesus did not die during this time. Duh?
Thank The Romans

I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Romans of ancient times for seeing fit to kill my enemy, Jesus. I should take a pilgrimage to Rome, stand in the center of the Colisseum and yell out 'thank you' to the spirits of long-gone Roman legions. I once attempted to turn your lord Jesus to my side but he was not buying it he stupid fuck. Who has the last laugh now? I still exist. He does not. Nyah, nyah, nyah. He must have felt like a piece of shit. Betrayed by the very people for whom he sacrificed himself. I have a name for people like that. MORON.
I don't think Jesus lives in Henoch. But I bet Jesus, the Mexican gardner, has been inside Henoch a time or two. ;)
^^Much like every girl who ever saw you naked (both of them) Jesus' reaction was, "What cock? I can't see the damned thing!"
Big Dick McGee said:
^^Much like every girl who ever saw you naked (both of them) Jesus' reaction was, "What cock? I can't see the damned thing!"

Silly little boy. He was talking to you at the time. HE forgot to borrow LAKERCUNT's eyeglasses.