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I'm going to slap Jillian Bacardi in the face. WITH A FISH.


I went to a technologically oriented school so their were mostly foreigners there. I saved calculus for the very last cause I knew it would be really exciting and everything so I recruited a guy who was working on his Ph.D. in engineering.........his name is Fong..........and since I graduated in the summer when you have accelerated classes as you can imagine I was really sweating it out. Well..............I am happy to say I passed with a D and I owe it all to him!! We both graduated the same day, he gave me two bottles of XO for a present and I had a big party that night. We drank a whole bottle of XO then broke out the bong...............well, Fong said if people in Malaysia get caught smoking pot, they get their heads cut off so I was like.................YOU HAVE NEVER SMOKED POT?????? WELL THERE IS NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT TO BREAK YOU IN!!!!

So we dressed him up in a Nun's outfit............since he was a virgin and everything..........and he smoked pot!!!! For the very first time!!! He has me to thank for it too!!!

After that, he got kind of frisky and tried to grope me and kiss me and stuff so I made him take the nun's outfit off.