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There is not a country on this planet, save maybe Israel, where the Islamification is not proceeding with the aid of the peoples being subjugated.

It is the way of the future. Islam will not be stopped.
The Question said:
The entire western world has become pre-Nazi Germany.
Yes, Leonard Peikoff recognized this in "Ominous Parallels. However, without nationalism to restore a counterbalance to the decay of the culture, the culture will be destroyed.

Islam is the weapon that will do it.
MLK was a great man, he is in no way a nigger and never will be. Unfortunately all the good he did, being well spoken, eloquent, and intelligent has been muckity-mucked by todays gang banging nigger bastards. MLK is probably turning over in his grave at the sad attitudes too many young black men and women have these days.
Cranky Bastard said:
Yes, Leonard Peikoff recognized this in "Ominous Parallels. However, without nationalism to restore a counterbalance to the decay of the culture, the culture will be destroyed.

Unfortunately, true.

Islam is the weapon that will do it.

Multiculturalism being what has "lowered our shields," so to speak, and Zionism having drawn that weapon's aim in our direction.
Laker_Girl said:
MLK was a great man, he is in no way a nigger and never will be. Unfortunately all the good he did, being well spoken, eloquent, and intelligent ...

Pretty good recitation of the standard, politically correct propaganda.
Hate to say it, but if the U.S. wants to survive in any form remotely resembling what it was intended to be, it's going to need a brief regimen of Nazism.
It's up to the left.

But I think it won't happen. While the left is trying as hard as they always have to push America to socialism, they have since WWII eschewed nationalism.

Probably in the effort to reduce American patriotism to a country that supports individualism. Cant have a nationalist aristotelian superpower fucking things up.
Cranky Bastard said:
It's up to the left.

But I think it won't happen. While the left is trying as hard as they always have to push America to socialism, they have since WWII eschewed nationalism.

Probably in the effort to reduce American patriotism to a country that supports individualism. Cant have a nationalist aristotelian superpower fucking things up.

At the same time, however, they also work to suppress individualism, because healthy individualism allows for the possibility of extraordinary individuals, such as...

...and whether you believe him a monster or merely a would-be hero led astray by his own ego, the following man was certainly not an ordinary individual...

But while all these issues are pertinent and relevant they do not excuse treating people in a different or subservient way on just the criteria of what their skin colour may be.

While I agree with this on principle, I must also point out exactly such ill-behavior from every group but whites is not only accepted, but tacitly (and sometimes openly) encouraged.

Two wrongs may not make a right, but each may indeed at least keep the other in check. When two forces push against each other, diminishing one force cannot lead to any outcome other than its fall.

I'm not, then, advocating hatred. I'm advocating balance -- even true equality, if you will.
The Question said:

Would be an interesting topic all on its own. I believe both Hitler and Mussolini were written as despicable villains in history over actions for which others received applause or excuse.

The victors write the history books.

It is not only chic to hate Hitler, but expected in the deepest areas of the groupthink.
Cranky Bastard said:
Pretty good recitation of the standard, politically correct propaganda.

Cranks, you need to stick around and get to know me better. I will call a nigger a nigger, MLK was not a nigger. I wasn't towing the party line, if I thought MLK was a big stupid nigger I would have said so, believe that.

Malcom X big mother fuckin' nigger, right up until he took his racist nigger ass to the holy land and learned that Islam isn't a "Black Thang"...
Cranky Bastard said:
Would be an interesting topic all on its own. I believe both Hitler and Mussolini were written as despicable villains in history over actions for which others received applause or excuse.

The victors write the history books.

It is not only chic to hate Hitler, but expected in the deepest areas of the groupthink.

Personally, I don't think he was all that spiffy a fella my own self; but anybody who can't acknowledge that the guy accomplished far beyond his limitations is a pure idiot.
The Question said:
The entire western world has become pre-Nazi Germany.

There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress.

Godwins law

In fact he lost it with the first post!
Godwin's Law is an excuse to shut down all arguments, no matter who is winning. It's like a retard idiot-button that stops all competition and awards the win to the retard.