Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
I had this evening the misfortune to see this post HAMBIL BULLSHIT and I am appalled at the bullshit included in it. MISSMANNERS should be ashamed of herself. Allow me to explain:

What Hambil does have to do is not violate the trust he has as a Tech admin and he hasn't. He doesn't go snooping in your PMs like admins on other boards, he doesn't give your IP/ISP info out like admins on other boards, he doesn't delete your accounts like admins here have in the past, he doesn't delete boards, he doesnt delete posts, he doesn't send you viruses, and so on. You people dont know how lucky you are!

What utter bullshit. Please review the following posts:


Now if you would shut the fuck up about how wonderful HAMBIL is then I would appreciate it. He has actually broken a law there but as I have stated before, I could not care less. This is your idea of a wonderful TECH ADMIN? Why is that information still there? You do realise I could easily have it removed yes? I do not bother because I do not give a shit. I merely point out the two posts to prove HAMBIL is far from the wonderful picture you paint of HAMBIL. If you wish to spout your cunteyed bullshit, do it somewhere else. I can smell it a mile away. I have seen right through all of you since the day I first signed up here 'SAINTLUCIFER, WE DO NOT BAN HERE' 'TROLL KINGDOM, YES YOU DO AND HAVE DONE SO MANY TIMES'. That was me on the very first day I signed up. Aside from offering to suck my cock yet again MISSMANNERS, kindly shut the fuck up. I was at another site where someone's ID was posted. Not only was the information immediately removed, but the person who posted it was banned immediately and his ISP informed.

I will ask you to cut the bullshit. I have owned your entire site two ways from Tuesday and you know it.
SaintPwnsalot said:
*ROTFLMAO* @ My minion

You silly creature.......Tamar is not an admin here.

You are stupid. The very fact that post remains proves MISSMANNERS is a liar. HAMBIL is no great ADMIN. Also, I have NEVER said TAMAR was an Admin here. She was an ADMIN at WORDFORGE. Where do you think she got the information? Even ELWOOD admitted she got it from him. That is beside the point. We are talking about my bitch the HAMSTER. I could have him remove that information YESTERDAY if I so desired but I do not bother. Who cares? As I have already stated, I used those posts to prove HAMBIL is a complete and utter MORON. Fucker cannot even run a site without it experiencing difficulties. This is the ONLY site I have ever run into that ever had any technical difficulties. His reasoning for the problems is 'fast growth'. What a fucking MORON. It has no more members today than it did when I first signed on. If anything, there are LESS. Activity on the board has dropped to an all-time low. Even HAMBIL himself has admitted this. So you all need to shut the fuck up and learn how to say 'SAINTLUCIFER has OWNED this site so many times his fingers are getting sore'.
Shatna said:
OKay, I think this closes out the day's events perfectly. :D

Not until you get down upon your knees and suck HAMBIL's cock. Your pleasuring of him may serve to make him get someone who knows about fucking computers to get the server up and running properly. He is a complete IDIOT. EVERYONE knows HAMBIL removed the KHARMA shit to keep me from posting outside of DAYCARE. He did not like me mocking him from afar. ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL PWN!!!
Sarek said:

Aw. So cute. He is following me all over TROLL KINGDOM yet again. I continue to draw him into areas where he NEVER goes. I am seriously beginning to believe this idiot has a crush on me.

SAREK? Bad news. I do not swing in the same direction as you do but I could recommend you to THUG_LUV if you should like me to? Shall I? I hear he is very good with the hand as one of his own posts illustrated to the rest of you faggots. I remember when you PMed me telling me you wish the ASIAN guy THUG_LUV allowed to stroke him had been yourself. How very jealous you were of the chink.
