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In Which The Democrat Party Puts The Barrel In Its Mouth And Pulls The Trigger With Its Toe

The Question

Say goodbye to the Democrat Party. They just ended themselves, in spectacularly gory fashion. They've just thrown away 2020, and since -- as long as Trump is in office -- they will only continue to have no platform other than "Orange Man Bad", they'll have nothing, again, in 2024. This guarantees at least 8 more years of Republican dominance in national government.

Now watch the replies to this. Watch how they're all, "RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW RAWWW!" instead of any introspection, any even hint of, "Y'know...? Maybe it's just not enough to denigrate the opposing majority of voters. Maybe we should try to figure out why they'd vote against what we say their interests ought to be. Maybe we don't know what their interests "ought to" be... maybe we should listen, just to see what happens.

Won't be any of that, thank God. They'll keep alienating voters by acting like dictators, and their broad influence will continue to shrivel, to wither, and die, until they're just fucking gone.

And then there's this guy... Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes. He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him. He's undefeated. HE'S THE REIGNING...HE'S THE DEFENDING... Ladies and gentlemen... I give you... YOUR INCREDIBLE RAZORFIST!

Ive never felt this was the correct way to go about it. The smart thing to do here would be to just hold the articles and wait for the next election to see what the will of the people really is. If he's voted out, that's the will. If the Senate flips, then he'll get his fair trial if he gets re-elected.

Kind of a reverse Merrick Garland strategy. Most important I think is to see what happens next November. The way it is now, it will fail.
Yep. The louder the Communists scream "Orange Man Bad!!!" the more We, The People support him.

Look, here's the real deal -- the Communists spent 60+ years playing the long con, subverting this country from within, turning teenagers from James Dean into... whatever the FUCK this is:


THAT? That does NOT play to the majority of the American people, OKAY? You keep trotting out THAT dykehawk sporting SHIT, the harder we fucking RESIST. Because NORMAL people aren't down with that racist, sexist shit. Congratu-fuckin'-lations, lefties, we don't support (anti-white) racism or (anti-male) sexism. YOU saw to that. Lesson fuckin' learned. It's not okay to be racist. It's not okay to be sexist. But now, because of that, we see YOU for what YOU are. YOU are (anti-white) racists. YOU are (anti-male) sexists. Now we see it. That's YOUR fault. So now, YOU need to clean up YOUR fuckin' act.

So, no. We won't get browbeat into being racist and/or sexist against ourselves on your behalf. If racism and sexism are wrong, they're flat fuckin' wrong. Against anybody. Including us. You simply cannot have it both ways. It's not wrong against so-and-so but perfectly all right against us.
While I admit to being liberal, I dont see myself that far to the left. More of a centrist and definitely a fiscal conservative. So I see it less as an us vs them, more of like a we all need to stick together to survive thing.
I'm down with that. But I also recognize that the kook fringe of the hard left isn't, and mean to fuck us all hard and dry if they can. That means opposing them as vocally and with as much vulgarity as they bring against normal, sane people. If we don't fight as readily and as hard as they do, they'll take that as acceptance. And we dare not show acceptance. Acceptance won't result in them "just going away"; they'll only be emboldened by it.

So, wish as hard as I might that it isn't "us vs. them", to an extent it is. Distasteful as that may be, them's the breaks. When people mean to fuck you over, you either recognize it and fight back, or you get fucked.
But did you sing the (no lyrics to it) A-Team theme song while you did it?

"NAAAH nah nah NAAAAAAH! Dunt DAAAAH dahhhhh! Nah nunt... NAHNT NAHHHHH! Dahhhh-duddudah DAHHHHH!"
Say goodbye to the Democrat Party. They just ended themselves, in spectacularly gory fashion. They've just thrown away 2020, and since -- as long as Trump is in office -- they will only continue to have no platform other than "Orange Man Bad", they'll have nothing, again, in 2024. This guarantees at least 8 more years of Republican dominance in national government.

Now watch the replies to this. Watch how they're all, "RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW RAWWW!" instead of any introspection, any even hint of, "Y'know...? Maybe it's just not enough to denigrate the opposing majority of voters. Maybe we should try to figure out why they'd vote against what we say their interests ought to be. Maybe we don't know what their interests "ought to" be... maybe we should listen, just to see what happens.

Won't be any of that, thank God. They'll keep alienating voters by acting like dictators, and their broad influence will continue to shrivel, to wither, and die, until they're just fucking gone.

2018 midterms (and the state and local elections since 2016) say differently.

There is a reason Hillary won 3m more votes than Trump and it is not because the majority of voters disagree with the Dems.

If Trump does win the electoral college in 2020 it will be with a minority of American voters (again).
Then there's Tulsi Gabbard....what the holy fucking FUCK is that bullshit all about?
There is a reason Hillary won 3m more votes than Trump and it is not because the majority of voters disagree with the Dems.

Yes, there is, and it has been disclosed since: Illegal aliens and dead fuckers. The Establishment's time is over, fucker. Suck it up and deal with it. The American voter has fucking had it with the corruptocracy. Tough shit for your idols, huh?
The Democrats have nothing going into 2020 except "Orange Man Bad." That's not an election-winner. And from 2020 to 2024, they're unlikely to come up with anything else then, either. Because, hilariously, fuck what Hillary Clinton said while wagging her finger at Republican voters, it's Democrat voters and politicians who can't graciously accept the results of an election. So in 2024, they'll still have fuck-all to run on.

So get ready, kids. Pucker your fudge-crusted bungholes, learn to say it: President Ted Cruz.
Also: My messages panel won't open right now, and I let this message slide for a bit, so I'll just answer it here: Yes and no, I am and am not Raz0rfist. It's complicated. The guy in the videos obviously isn't me, but I do know him, and we come up with his material in a collaborative fashion. He just delivers it way better than I could. And he's prettier than me.
2018 midterms (and the state and local elections since 2016) say differently.

There is a reason Hillary won 3m more votes than Trump and it is not because the majority of voters disagree with the Dems.

If Trump does win the electoral college in 2020 it will be with a minority of American voters (again).
Are you confident enough to change your WF avatar to "Ramen is God" again if you get it wrong? (Again.) :marathon:
Ancalagon, acknowledge reality? You might as well wait for Teletubbies to get masculinized and do a recreation of the A*Team opening credits. Ancalagon is fucking incapable of acknowledging objective reality. He's simply much too far down Communism's shit pipe to ever be salvaged.
I see Ancalagon has once again fucked off back to his little 'safe space'. Fucking typical. Can't hack it in a space you can't simply ban opposing voices from, can ya, ya fuckin' sissy?

By all means, though, keep trying to choke out the rurals. Because they will fucking let you starve. All that food you buy at the Aldi or Albertson's, where the fuck do you think that comes from, hmm? Farmers. So do keep fuckin' with Farmer Albert. G'head, dipshit. See what fuckin' happens. You can get starved the fuck out. Or sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
I don't mean to seem angry, but I kinda am angry. Stupid-ass commie shitheels like Ancalagon think they can bash on the rurals. You dumb cocksucker, you need them. They don't fucking need you. You privileged princess-ass prick, you serve no fucking constructive purpose. What do you produce, huh? What do you fucking build? Hmm? Fucking Nothing. You produce exactly fucking nothing. You are fucking useless. Stupid fuckin' bitch, nobody needs you. You are fucking useless. If you were to sit down in your garage, put the barrel of a 12 gauge in your mouth and fucking Kurt Cobain yourself, nobody would even fucking notice. You're just a stupid fucking extraneous bisexual fucking cuckold, and nobody would even fucking miss you, you mincing bitch.

And that doesn't even make you a standout amongst your political fellow travelers. You're all ineffectual fucking sissies. All of you. Beta-ass little soyboy fucking cucks who mean nothing, who create and fucking produce nothing, who are fucking worth nothing, who would be missed by fucking nobody because you all are worth fuck-all. To society, to your families, to your friends, to your communities. You're all fucking worthless. So fuck off. From here, troll kingdom, from Wrodfrodge, from the internet, from the fucking planet. Fuck the fuck off, useless, worthless, beta soyboy Commie fuck.
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