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Iraq War Casualties (Flash animation)


New member

See soldiers die like ants from the comfort of our own PCs.

Hint: When a senator's or congressman's son dies, it flashes green.
If they did a similiar map for the US everytime Bush made a fucked up decision or a politician made a crooked deal, the US would look like it was under a nuke bombardment.
So many people are entrapped in a game of life and trying to 'make ends meet,' I guess it all rests with whistleblowers and watchdog organizations now.

I hear a referendum to impeach Bush is gaining momentum. Since most elected officials which have served the maximum number of years permitted generally get away scot-free when looting a nation and have nothing to fear from the voters, let's hope that works out.
Messenger said:
So many people are entrapped in a game of life and trying to 'make ends meet,' I guess it all rests with whistleblowers and watchdog organizations now.

I hear a referendum to impeach Bush is gaining momentum. Since most elected officials which have served the maximum number of years permitted generally get away scot-free when looting a nation and have nothing to fear from the voters, let's hope that works out.

Honestly, I don't think it's going to happen unless there's a massive revolt within the Republican party. But after the Dubai incident and now the immigration issues, more and more Republicans are starting to see the light and speak out.
Sarek said:
Honestly, I don't think it's going to happen unless there's a massive revolt within the Republican party. But after the Dubai incident and now the immigration issues, more and more Republicans are starting to see the light and speak out.
The immigration issue is fairly skewed against the 'old emmigrants' in the media.

But the revolt you speak of reminds me of this:

August 10 2005

Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?
Earlier this week, Washington Post reported that the Pentagon has developed its first ever war plans for operations within the continental United States, in which terrorist attacks would be used as the justification for imposing martial law on cities, regions or the entire country.

The thought of the United States government nuking the United States is a bit.... flaky. But the thought of high-level members of the US military seeing the blunders of the current administration and deciding to do something about it doesn't seem farfetched based solely on the mind boggling mismanagement of the invasion.

The Pentagon purchased what, Ford Jeeps with some steel welded on for tens of thousands of dollars and was named an 'armoured vehicle?'

I was not able to find an article related to this. I read that the DOD or NSA or one of those was questioning congressmen for meeting on board some ship, somewhere, sometime. This is total hearsay on my part, but perhaps if someone read the article I am speaking of, they can link it themselves?
Messenger said:

See soldiers die like ants from the comfort of our own PCs.

Hint: When a senator's or congressman's son dies, it flashes green.

Now that is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. This dumbass also posted this in the same manner as one would post an image. Too fucking dumb to realise you cannot view Flash images on this forum. What a fucking moron. The animation itself is so fucking stupid I cannot believe anyone would waste their time creating it. My Battlestar Galactica, fighter shooting up TK and fighter shooting up ICH were all far better animations.
SaintLucifer said:
Now that is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. This dumbass also posted this in the same manner as one would post an image. Too fucking dumb to realise you cannot view Flash images on this forum. What a fucking moron. The animation itself is so fucking stupid I cannot believe anyone would waste their time creating it. My Battlestar Galactica, fighter shooting up TK and fighter shooting up ICH were all far better animations.
Just shorten the entire thing to a simple 'Fuck You' already, you weak-ass little turd.
SaintLucifer said:
Now that is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. This dumbass also posted this in the same manner as one would post an image. Too fucking dumb to realise you cannot view Flash images on this forum. What a fucking moron. The animation itself is so fucking stupid I cannot believe anyone would waste their time creating it. My Battlestar Galactica, fighter shooting up TK and fighter shooting up ICH were all far better animations.

That's why he provided a link, douchebag. He was counting on you to make the connection, and I guess he was wrong.
Ishcabittle said:
That's why he provided a link, douchebag. He was counting on you to make the connection, and I guess he was wrong.

Fuck you are stupid. He edited AFTER discovering Flash animations cannot show up in a forum. He just forget to delete the information so he has both. This simple fact slipped past you? Sheeeiittttt. Take another puff.
SaintLucifer said:
Fuck you are stupid. He edited AFTER discovering Flash animations cannot show up in a forum. He just forget to delete the information so he has both. This simple fact slipped past you? Sheeeiittttt. Take another puff.

Wrong again. I read the topic this afternoon right after he posted it. The link was included in the original post and not added after.

Going for 3 strikes rather quickly tonight aren't we little Luci?
Some people are truly stupid. Why post both a link and attempt to insert the image at the same time? Simple. He thought a Flash animation may work in here. Duh? OMMFG people are fuckin dumber than our Canadian logs. SAREK just finished stating the obvious yet he does not see it. Infuckingcredible! People cannot possibly be this stupid. There is just no fucking way.
SaintLucifer said:
People cannot possibly be this stupid. There is just no fucking way.

Grim Reaper: A hit. You have sunk my battleship!
Dead Bill, Dead Ted: Excellent! Yes!
Dead Ted: I totally knew he would put it in the J's, dude!
Dead Bill: Good thinking, Ted.
Grim Reaper: You must play me again.
Dead Bill: WHAT?
Grim Reaper: Um, best two out of three.
Dead Bill, Dead Ted: No way!
Grim Reaper:......Yes way.