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Israelis are trashing the Palestinians good

The Israelis are the true terrorists. They kicked people out of a land they'd been living in for thousands of years under the pretense that it was reserved for "God's chosen ones".

You can always spot a jew; they're the one who refuses to even acknowledge the existence of a Palestinian State.

I wish to Christ the Unites States government would just wash its hands of Israel. We'd stop being terrorist targets if they did.
I wish to Christ the Unites States government would just wash its hands of Israel. We'd stop being terrorist targets if they did.

Never going to happen as long as the country is being run by Zionists. .
Big Dick McGee said:
The Israelis are the true terrorists. They kicked people out of a land they'd been living in for thousands of years under the pretense that it was reserved for "God's chosen ones".

You can always spot a jew; they're the one who refuses to even acknowledge the existence of a Palestinian State.

I wish to Christ the Unites States government would just wash its hands of Israel. We'd stop being terrorist targets if they did.

You sir are a complete and utter MORON. The Israelis kicked no one out. Why do you forget that Israel belonged to the Jews long before there was a Palestine? Palestine was handed to the Jews by the United Nations. Blame them.

Under UN auspices, Palestine was to be split into two states: Israel for the Jews and Palestine for the Arabs. Thing is, the Arabs of Palestine wanted no part of this so they attacked the Jews en masse. The Jews kicked the shit out of them but the Palestinians began terrorist tactics. The Jews finally drove the fuckers out for their own security. It was a matter of self-defence.

The Jews refuse to acknowledge the Palestinian state? It was the Jews who put onto the negotiation table the idea for a separate Palestinian state dipshit. The Palestinians absolutely flat-out refused this idea. Even today the offer stands but the Palestinians continue to demand all or nothing. Their goal is to drive every single Jew into the sea.

You are daft enough to believe if the USA washed its hands of Israel there would be no terrorists? You are a complete fucking MORON. Palestine has absolutely nothing to do with the actions of terrorists against the USA today. Al Qaida is Palestinian? Last time I checked there was not a single Palestinian amongst their membership. Fuck man! Read a fucking book!
Paladin said:
Why do you forget that Israel belonged to the Jews long before there was a Palestine?

And it also HADN'T belonged to them long before there was a Palestine. Tough shit for them.

Palestine was handed to the Jews by the United Nations. Blame them.

Under UN auspices, Palestine was to be split into two states: Israel for the Jews and Palestine for the Arabs. Thing is, the Arabs of Palestine wanted no part of this so they attacked the Jews en masse.

And if the UN told Canadadians that half of Canada now belongs to the Chinese, I doubt native Canadians's reaction to that would be much different. "Who the fuck is the UN to make that decision? Who the fuck are you people, now? Get the fuck out!"

The Jews kicked the shit out of them but the Palestinians began terrorist tactics. The Jews finally drove the fuckers out for their own security. It was a matter of self-defence.

Bull shit it was. It was no more self-defense than a home invader shooting the homeowner.

Palestine has absolutely nothing to do with the actions of terrorists against the USA today.

Wrong again, asshole. Read any quote about the US from any notable terrorist, and they never fail to mention Israel and US support of it in the same rant. 'Read a book'? Please. Why don't you give it a try before you go suggesting others do it, you fucking coconut-headed lout.
Big Dick McGee said:
I wish to Christ the Unites States government would just wash its hands of Israel.

Just wanted to point out the irony of this statement in "wishing to Christ" that we "wash our hands" since the term has its origins in Pontius Pilate's alleged refusal to save Jesus from death by literally washing his hands.

Okay, maybe it's just me that finds this kind of stuff funny.
The Question said:
And it also HADN'T belonged to them long before there was a Palestine. Tough shit for them.

And if the UN told Canadadians that half of Canada now belongs to the Chinese, I doubt native Canadians's reaction to that would be much different. "Who the fuck is the UN to make that decision? Who the fuck are you people, now? Get the fuck out!"

Bull shit it was. It was no more self-defense than a home invader shooting the homeowner.

Wrong again, asshole. Read any quote about the US from any notable terrorist, and they never fail to mention Israel and US support of it in the same rant. 'Read a book'? Please. Why don't you give it a try before you go suggesting others do it, you fucking coconut-headed lout.

I find your response most hilarious considering you Americans took land away from the natives. Hypocrisy no? Fucking MORON. If you are going to babble about demanding the Israelis return Palestine to the Arabs then I guess you had better get your fucking ass out of North America yes?

Think before you post you dumb piece of shit.

Why should the UN not determine who gets Palestine? It was given to the British as a mandate. Seems you Americans had no problem with that. You only bitch now that there are fucking Jews there. Where was all of your whining previously? You forget, it was YOU AMERICANS who wanted to hand Palestine over to the Jews, not the fucking British. Fuck man! Grow a brain!