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Isreali ambassador caught lying through his teeth

I found the viewers comments most illuminating.

Anyone want to tell me what the "Institute of Public Accuracy" is? Maybe they meant to say the interviewer was from the "Institute For Public Accuracy". Isn't that off to a bad start? This guy represents accuracy and they can't even accurately repeat the group's name?

Anyway, their website is, and I found this recent piece by one ANTONIA JUHASZ:

Juhasz is the author of the book The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time and a visiting scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies. She said today: "More than three years since the war began, President Bush is finally telling the truth about why the U.S. is in Iraq: Oil. Bush told reporters today that U.S. troops must stay in Iraq because 'terrorists and extremists' must be denied access to Iraq's oil sales. Of course, Bush not only wants to keep oil out of his enemies' hands, he also wants to put it into the hands of his friends. And this front in the war is right on track.

Who is this dimwit kidding? Bush and every official under him said we wouldn't be going into Iraq if not for its strategic importance, having oil and threatening neighbors oil. There are a lot of dictators around the world killing their neighbors and their own people, Saddam Hussein made the mistake of attracting our attention. So Juhasz writes a book exposing what was public knowledge since the first Gulf War! What an idiot!

For her next book, she'll 'expose' that the sky is blue. Shocking!

Hey, let's read some more from the nuts at Apparently they chart the daily activities of certified nut Cindy Sheehan, let's read one of her brilliant reports blaming every death in the Middle East on George Bush and of course Israel:

Amman, Jordan: Day 32 of the Troops Home Fast
by Cindy Sheehan

"Speaking peace while making war is not a sustainable policy."
-- Mr. Rami G. Khouri; on Condi's "glamour" visit to Israel last week, (Jordan Times, August 4, 2006)

My trip to Jordan from JFK airport in NYC started out on a Middle Eastern flavor the other day. A group of us came here to meet with Iraqi Parliamentarians and human rights' groups to find out what the people of Iraq who don't live in the Green Zone and who do not get their paychecks from the White House think and feel about the occupation and what their heart's desires are for their country.

While I was still in JFK, an Iraqi gentleman approached me who is now displaced and living in Jordan. He recognized me and was "honored" to meet me and grateful for my work but wanted to convey something to me. He said that while what the peace movement is doing in the US to end the occupation is very gratifying to the people of Iraq, it is "too late" for his country. He said everyone who could leave, has left, and that most of the country is beyond repair. The miraculous Babylon which has been in existence for thousands of years didn't even last three years after the Americans got there. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's dead added to the over million who died during the sanctions...he sadly informed me that the Americans are not stopping the sectarian violence, only encouraging it, in his country and he holds little hope for any future for the land that he was born in and loves.

We were picked up at Queen Alia airport in Amman by Munther who has worked in and out of the government of Jordan and consulting for NGO's for years. He helped broker the 1999 peace agreement between Jordan and Israel---as his specialty is water and agriculture. He is so fortunate to live in Jordan with his family, but he has been shot and the target of rockets in his home for his work for peace. Munther realizes that a true and lasting peace cannot be achieved by eternal war and killing and has paid some tough prices for his beliefs.

The most horrifying testimony of the day was when we met with "Dr. Nada" an Iraqi doctor who stayed in Baghdad during the sanctions and the invasion to help her people. She didn't abandon her country, nor sell it out like many privileged people who exited during the Baathist regime, (like Iyad Allawi or Ahmed Chalabi), or the sanctions…which she, as a supervisory physician at a major Baghdad hospital, said killed two million children. The children died of pollution and sicknesses from depleted uranium during the first gulf mistake of George the First. The babies died because of the war, but also because there is no medicine and very limited medical facilities to treat them. Dr. Nada brought the daughter of a friend, three year old Farrah, who had short brown hair and big brown eyes. There were so many young children playing in Queen airport yesterday when I got here and dozens running around the hotel. My heart almost bursts with sorrow when I think of all of the children in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan who have had such horrible lives and many of their lives cut short by the evil war machine that seems to be running our world.

US General Abizaid said to a Senate committee yesterday that Lebanon could be an effective government and US partner in the war on terror if only their equipment could be "upgraded" and their troops "trained" properly and that the US would be happy to "assist" them. With all of the degraded and spent Israeli equipment and bombs and the billions of upgrading the US military equipment needs, it looks like it is going to be another banner year for the war profiteers!

Dr. Nada also told us about 7 harrowing days she spent working in an emergency room in Baghdad between April 2 and April 9 in 2003. She said that over 100 casualties PER HOUR were coming through her hospital alone and that many died because they could not be helped in time. She was responsible for the triage and she had to do so knowing that number 100 that hour would almost certainly die. The people that her hospital operated on at that time were just rolled out into the halls with no histories or I.D.'s. She said that she remembers that time as "amputated body parts swimming in a sea of blood."

Dr. Nada stayed in Iraq all of those years but now lives in Jordan because of the continuing violence of the militias and death squads and kidnappings in her homeland. She says that the Americans, even though don't kill every innocent Iraqi, are responsible for "100 percent of the deaths," because they are not protecting the Iraqi people and the occupation is fueling the violence.

I will be leaving Jordan tomorrow to head to Camp Casey III to confront George with the horrors of his failed policies in the Middle East. We just got an update that he will be leaving town on the 9th now, instead of earlier published reports that said the 14 th. Munther also commented to me yesterday that he couldn't believe that George didn't have the "courage or courtesy" to meet with me. I responded: "He doesn't even have the courage to be in the same town with me, anymore." This cowardly cowboy and his minions who are so quick to condemn children to early deaths need to face up to the reality of their crimes. We need to be as relentless and as ruthless for peace, and in peace, as they are for war.

I can't bear to stand by and watch more innocent Farrahs and Caseys be killed. So I will be sitting in the ditch on Sunday to ask the same question:

"Why?" husseini
Zodiac, the only thing that's damning is that these wacked-out kook total headcases are representing the Democratic Party for the 2006 elections.

Prepare for total defeat, these fruit loops will go even more out of their gourds as their 'message' goes down to resounding defeat in November.

Fuck me, you bend over backwards and make a triple post so that some kike can stick his shizzly up your ass, but gaze in awe the moment an Iranian official announces that they will proceed with their international right to pursue nuclear power.

He lied. He lied, he lied.

You have no credibility here, boy.
Ogami said:
Hey, let's read some more from the nuts at Apparently they chart the daily activities of certified nut Cindy Sheehan, let's read one of her brilliant reports blaming every death in the Middle East on George Bush and of course Israel: husseini
Ogami said:
I found the viewers comments most illuminating.

Anyone want to tell me what the "Institute of Public Accuracy" is? Maybe they meant to say the interviewer was from the "Institute For Public Accuracy". Isn't that off to a bad start? This guy represents accuracy and they can't even accurately repeat the group's name?

Anyway, their website is, and I found this recent piece by one ANTONIA JUHASZ:

Who is this dimwit kidding? Bush and every official under him said we wouldn't be going into Iraq if not for its strategic importance, having oil and threatening neighbors oil. There are a lot of dictators around the world killing their neighbors and their own people, Saddam Hussein made the mistake of attracting our attention. So Juhasz writes a book exposing what was public knowledge since the first Gulf War! What an idiot!

For her next book, she'll 'expose' that the sky is blue. Shocking!


Ogami said:
Zodiac, the only thing that's damning is that these wacked-out kook total headcases are representing the Democratic Party for the 2006 elections.

Prepare for total defeat, these fruit loops will go even more out of their gourds as their 'message' goes down to resounding defeat in November.


A buh, buhubhbubhbubhbubhbubhbubhbubh!
Why is that a crime? I surfed to their site and looked over the articles therein.

Just your typical collection of brain-dead America-haters over there. Society's refuse. People who know their communist ideals are on the losing side of history, and so spend their lives whining and complaining that the world isn't fair and it's so terrible that they're not in charge, etcetera etcetera...

Ogami said:
Why is that a crime? I surfed to their site and looked over the articles therein.

Just your typical collection of brain-dead America-haters over there. Society's refuse. People who know their communist ideals are on the losing side of history, and so spend their lives whining and complaining that the world isn't fair and it's so terrible that they're not in charge, etcetera etcetera...


It's quite damning, if you want to sit through it. If not, I suggest fast forwarding to 5:00, then 7:30.
Oh very well, I'll watch the video...

The Israeli Ambassador - "Hezbollah fires from mosques, Hezbollah fires from schoolyards, they fire from UN positions" -- All true, and independently confirmed by western reporters.

Sam Husseini then asks the ambassador about Israelis nuclear weapons. These weapons are well-known to exist, and Israeli has made no secret in their "denials" that they "may" have them. I wonder if just the word of rumors alone is actually the purpose of their nuclear program. A lot cheaper just to spread that rumor, wouldn't it? Anyway, the Ambassador: "We have a policy of ambiguity with regards to national defense. ... Is Israel saying that Iran has to be annilated? You have to get your facts".

Again all true. This is the "lie" you've caught the ambassador on, Zodiac? LOL

What if you had asked an American ambassador back in the 1980s if we had a Stealth Fighter? HE WOULDN'T TELL YOU, DUH! I guess Zodiac (and those clowns at that website) would have caught us in a similar "lie" too. What a crock, Zodiac.

I think the Israeli Ambassador should be commended for answering as many of these insulting questions as he did. Should the reverse have happened, assuming Hezbollah had an ambassador, there would be a fatwa of death against the reporter for asking similiar questions. Instead, the people who questioned the Israeli ambassador can go their way, post anything they want on blogs, and live their lives.

A refreshing illustration of the difference in worldviews, Zodiac, although not the one you intended. The Israeli ambassador answers such questions as best he is allowed, and were Hezbollah questioned in a similar fashion, the reporter would be DEAD DEAD DEAD! Great contrast people.

Ogami said:
I wonder if just the word of rumors alone is actually the purpose of their nuclear program. A lot cheaper just to spread that rumor, wouldn't it?
Given the reactors they're operating... not cheaper by much. Really.
Pointless repeating it to Ogami. Mossad or Shin Bet could kosher slaughter Ogami's whole family right before his eyes, and as long as one of them stopped long enough to tell him that wasn't what was happening, this psychotically judeophilic dillhole would accept it as gospel.