This YouTube video is taken from the groundbreaking TV show Free To Be...You And Me, which aired in 1974. It's basically a series of skits, songs and animation that teaches children to respect differences in gender, etc.
One animation has a Princess not getting married because she chooses not to (Feminism for the elementary set), another teaches that it's alright for boys to play with dolls.
In this video link, Rosey Grier (a famous football player in the '70's) plays guitar and sings that whether you are a boy or girl, it's alright to cry.
This show helped round out my worldview when I was a young girl.
Enjoy! grier
One animation has a Princess not getting married because she chooses not to (Feminism for the elementary set), another teaches that it's alright for boys to play with dolls.
In this video link, Rosey Grier (a famous football player in the '70's) plays guitar and sings that whether you are a boy or girl, it's alright to cry.
This show helped round out my worldview when I was a young girl.
Enjoy! grier