Everything can be fine and wonderful, and then the slightest little thing reminds me of things I don't want to be reminded of. Happy things from the past and rhetorical fruitless questions that I don't want to ask; the dreaded "Why?" Recalling pleasant instances is by far the hardest, and I believe that this will happen over and over again for years. That is what I believe. Is it fair to others? I don't know, there isn't anything I can do about it or I'm doing everything I can about it whichever the reader believes in. Are Adam and Stuart still on AMC? They are so very awesome and fun. Tad and Dixie. *sigh* whatever happened to them and damn them for making me cry and remember how much in love I was. We were. Were. It is okay it has to be okay I'm sure he's dealt with this so many times I bet he has nothing but empathy but I loath risking this new thing as much as I wish I could confide in him as a friend. Friend he is such a friend I think which also makes me sad because my last boyfriend we were best friends on so many levels and I'll never have that again never ever but that's okay too because I understand how that works and there will be love that is different and just as good. This Erica and Janet thing is funny, as stupid and corny as it is. FOUR YEARS AND HE COULDN'T EVEN GIVE ME 30 DAYS NOTICE?!?!? But I'm still so incredibly grateful that it was all a practical matter and not an emotion-ridden break-up. Why did he have to be so stupid? I loved him so much and he threw it all away for what? At least it wasn't for another girl, but what in the world was he thinking? I begged him to stay but he got so much worse and now I'm thinking of the bad memories and it is so much easier to think of those and I feel so much better when I remember the bad things because I'm glad those bad things are out of my life now. So glad. There won't be any property damage with this guy. I think I feel better now, but for how long?