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Jack Burden


New member
How the hell did I forget to include him on my list??


Now I GIT the celebrity link. Know wonder Dawn Brown had his Financial Statement checked out. What fucking assholes. It is also the Robert LayMan connection who came to Gateway Church. Freak slag.......... She said he was worth $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ You would have to be worth a lot to own the Iquana Grill property, a big house in Lakeway. They are tied to your Special Ops buddy Mike Davis. Fucking Murderer's. My dogs owe you bastards a BIG FUCKING THANKS. SISSY IS HAVING ALL KINDS OF HEALTH PROBLEMS NOW.
You people are GREEDY lowlifes. NO FUCKING DOUBT ABOUT IT. Is this the big bidness Jack was going to teach you Dawn??

Oh yeah...............Dawn! I didn't send the Board of Realtors the report, only cited violations of the Code of Ethics. Now I am personally delivering a copy of this report showing how you are DIRECTLY involved in this, you have disclosed FINANCIAL information about me to these people, I am naming them, I am sending a Copy to the Coldwell-Banker Corporate office in addition to Carson Kirby you fucking slag HOE. I am also telling them what a bunch of druggies you are.

Fiduciary. Kiss your Realtor License GOOD-BYE.

Jack Burden (My friend was right about you), Dawn Brown, her BullyDyke sister, NionInterActive Solutions, Jeanine McNaught, Mike Davis, Robert LayMan.

Thats for starters. You lowlife GREEDY bastards. Hope the money was worth Pre-Meditated MURDER.
Does your wife know about this Jack?? because she is getting ready to find out.


^^Is that you LoCo?? I have received several veiled threats like that in the last few months. Carbon Monoxide poisoning, garage cable rigged to come crashing down thus severing my head.
I haven't done anything wrong. Quite the opposite, I am fighting false/forged criminal charges that have ruined my life. Make all the threats you want.


You're pretty sure of yourself.

You're talking about some powerful individuals here.

They have enough power to do . . . . the things you claim they do. But you want to expose them, and aren't expecting some sort of retaliation?

You're funny.

^^Gee Demon Messenger............I have always known I was dealing with "Powerful Individuals"..........that became quite obvious to me the minute I had false/forged criminal records created on me, financial ruin and my inabilty to be able to provide for myself now. Then came the attempts to fucking kill me. you think I have to lose at this point. If they want to kill me, go for it.

As far as IP numbers..................what do they all mean?? I don't even know, you tell me.

Just for the record, I will report this to my lawyer, the DOJ and FBI. That is all I know to do at this point even though they haven't helped me at all. So tell your assassins to go for it.

You're funny.
^^one thing is for damn sure............if I had it to do over again, I would have dealt with the criminals rather than any of our federal agencies. Make no mistake about that.

They are winning.
Demon Messenger said:
Don't get so excited over your digging. It might have some very unpleasant consequences for you down the line.

You know what?? I don't give a shit anymore. I am also not giving any of our federal agencies anything else. I never should have, I would warn any citizen not to report any criminal activity. Let them do what they will.
^^you know all the powerful people you are talking about?? Well.............let's put it this way----don't be surprized if some of them start disappearing.

I know someone more powerful than any of them. I told him your people are trying to murder me so now they have been put on his "Hit" list.

I would hate to be in their shoes right now.
I told this powerful may want to make it look accidental or something.

He said...........go enjoy the rest of the day. I already know what I am going to do. I have known what I was going to do for a while, I was just waiting for you to come to me.

I said...........OK!!! Thanks!! I love you!
^^I can't. I told him I had a problem with very powerful people, I need help. He told me to trust him, leave it in his hands. I have.

Demon Messenger said:
You're pretty sure of yourself.

I'm not sure of's why I got help.

Demon Messenger said:
You're talking about some powerful individuals here.

Trust me on this one Demon Messenger...........this is guy is more powerful than you or your band of greedy thugs could ever hope to be. I don't care what your political connections are, how much money you have, how powerful you are. It won't matter.

Demon Messenger said:
They have enough power to do . . . . the things you claim they do. But you want to expose them, and aren't expecting some sort of retaliation?

You're funny.


When I read your post this morning, I will admit it made me nervous. Then I did what I felt was the best thing to do.
Retaliation?? I haven't done anything wrong, quite the contrary. I think all the "powerful" people you are talking about should be worried about more than retaliation at this point.

Have you ever heard this quote.................Like a thief in the night?? don't know when it is going to's like BAM!!! There is no warning.
^^Thats what I am thinking anyway.

What is weird is I tried to start telling him who I think these powerful people are, where they might live and stuff and he silenced me. He said he already knows.

I was like......................WOW!!!! You are GOOD!!