Troll Kingdom

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Forever Empress E
I read the people at your church have been messing with you. Wow. I had to quit going to church because of the awful things the people there were doing to me. I think they were satanist pretending to be Christians. Did you notice anything odd about the people in your church? Did you see symbols that seemed out of place in a house of worship? Did they try to make you eat Jesus' body and drink his blood?
It hasn't turned me against religion or anything, I just need to find another place to worship because I have always enjoyed the fellowship.

When I was in TN I shopped around a lot of different churches before I settled on the Methodist church. I have been to all of them at one time or another.........i even have a cousin who is a gay priest.........he has been all his life.
That many black faces all in one place and all those big hats would scare me. I know for sure the Holy Rollers freak me out. Once, I saw this guy right in the middle of the service start spazzing out. His eyes rolled up into his head and he fell to the floor, writhing and screaming. Someone told me that man had been possessed by the Holy Spirit and was speaking in tongues. I don't believe that. I'm not saying he wasn't possessed but I don't think it was by any spirit I'd call holy. I think he had been possessed by a devil. Anyway, I ran out of there so fast I left a dust cloud behind me.
^Oh yeah............that happened to me one time when I was shopping around for churches in Cookeville only it was a bunch of white people. That kind of stuff scares the crap out of me have to wonder what really possesses them.
The "speaking in tongues" part is especially creepy.

I guess Gateway isn't so bad...............they do have a good band. The only reason I would visit a black church is to get all of them going over the Shannon, Thelma thing you can count on with black people is they will get behind a good political cause and Alberto Gonzales doesn't want a bunch of Evagelical, Holy-Rolling, Mad Black People on his ass for murdering one of their Women who was going to become a minister. I don't think I could become a full-fledged member because they spend the whole damn day on Sunday for becomes a dawn to dusk kind of thing. people don't mess around when it comes to religion......
I was getting head from this hot sixteen year old in the back of this theatre during The Exorcist circa 197something, and she started to speak in tongues while gobbling my knob, in the meantine, Regan is pissing on the floor in front of company.

eloisel said:
I read the people at your church have been messing with you. Wow.

Yes eloisel..........there are people in this church who are into "mind games" to say the least. I find it the most disturbing thing about this particular church and some of the members which would include the "minister" since he obviously has a lot more information about my case than any of them have the COURAGE OR HONESTY to come forward to me with. I have given a few of them the opportunity, they have insisted on playing a game. I have lost respect for them and the church because of it.

eloisel said:
I had to quit going to church because of the awful things the people there were doing to me. I think they were satanist pretending to be Christians.
I will not quit going to church because of the people in ONE church. There are many other churches in the area so I have plenty of options open to me at this point. Are they satanists?? I have no idea...........all I know is they have a really weird way of trying to get a point across, I am not into games like they are playing, I find all of it quite disturbing. I am sure there are many good Christians in the church who have no clue if something "dark" is going on, but for one of their leaders to even mention "dark" threw up red flags to me. I also think a gay guy I work with knows some of the gay members of this church since he has made several comments in the last month that would point the finger at several people. I have good instincts too............they have always served me well.

eloisel said:
Did you notice anything odd about the people in your church? Did you see symbols that seemed out of place in a house of worship?
I have covered the whole "symbols" thing in another post, the whole identity theft series and then the Bling, give us 10%, the statement of what I have tithed so far. Have I noticed anything odd about the people in "my" church?? It is not "my" church.......I prayed about it and the answer God gave me was to look for another church. What I have noticed is there seems to be a big gay community there, they have something to hide..........not sure what it is other than they know a lot about my case and some of them are on these boards (ie; bait I threw out to Wes and he took it)........they haven't shown themselves to be the Christians I have come to expect out of a church.

Other than that.............I wish them well. I'm not sticking around to see what kind of fucked up "darkness" they may have up their sleeves.
Too bad we couldn't meet up in Austin. Just got back from there this evening. Had a wonderful time. My favorite restaurant in Austin is Kerby Lane on Guadalupe. Absolutely awesome place. If you get a chance, try it before you leave Austin. It isn't very pricey, the service is excellent, and the food is even better.
eloisel said:
Too bad we couldn't meet up in Austin. Just got back from there this evening. Had a wonderful time. My favorite restaurant in Austin is Kerby Lane on Guadalupe. Absolutely awesome place. If you get a chance, try it before you leave Austin. It isn't very pricey, the service is excellent, and the food is even better.

I'm glad you had a good trip here. Thanks for the "favorite restaurant" thing, but eating out is the last thing to do on my budget. My favorite restaurant is McDonalds cause they have a $1 menu.
eloisel said:
All I know is they are cannibals and blood drinkers. That isn't the worst of it either.

eeek..............I got out of that place in the nick of time!! They were kind of a weird bunch what with all the subliminal messages and then dicking around when I axed them for some straight answers. Then there was the online troll I did on Wes and he fell for it hook, line and sinker. That was the best one yet. Then everyone tried to cover-up for him, act like they didn't know what was going on. When I told one of the guys my house was being foreclosed on he was like............"oh gee..........sorry to hear that"...........subliminal message..........."oh gee, I guess we won't be getting any money from you".
Hey............I saw the presence of feds at that church too, don't kid yourselves.............either they are in on it or they are investigating the whole bunch of them cause they have quite a growing cult. I think the Gay Mafia runs it.
eloisel said:
I read the people at your church have been messing with you. Wow. I had to quit going to church because of the awful things the people there were doing to me. I think they were satanist pretending to be Christians. Did you notice anything odd about the people in your church? Did you see symbols that seemed out of place in a house of worship? Did they try to make you eat Jesus' body and drink his blood?

Here is the dealio eloisel..........I am a master troll in REAL LIFE. This is what happens when people try to run a game on me............I am very good at running it back on them. Just axe Jack & Dawn.

Here is something the little bastards at church haven't thought about when they decided to run their lame game on me..................I can run it right back on them if they piss me off bad enough. For example, I can to their church, go when they have a packed house, stand up in front of the whole congregation and calmly explain to them how I came to the church as a place to worship, a place of sanctuary only to have them present a whole Identity Theft series and how it could possibly relate to this whole "conspiracy" I have been involved in the last 3 years, I can name names in their congregation, I can stun everyone into complete and utter shock and silence.

I'm good like that and I'm not afraid to do it. One thing I have never been is a coward. Another thing I don't do is intentionally play mindfuck games with people when their lives are at stake.

Fuck those assholes.