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Keith Olbermann victim of political profiling.


Un Banned

NBC permabanned Keith for donating to the Democratic Party.

Meanwhile Pat Buchanan, Joe Scarborough & Michael Smerconich get a pass.

I wish Keith could & would join TK to talk about this injustice one floor up in GFHH.

NBC permabanned Keith for donating to the Democratic Party.

Meanwhile Pat Buchanan, Joe Scarborough & Michael Smerconich get a pass.

I wish Keith could & would join TK to talk about this injustice one floor up in GFHH.

I'd like to have a talk with him about those purple suits and silly eurotrash glasses.
Sweetie, in real life, people don't get "permabanned." They get suspended. People only get permabanned on nerdy message boards, which have very little to do with real life.

But yes, Olbermann and his uptight boss have been bickering for years, and suddenly the boss feels all big-ballsy after the midterms, and decides to enforce an NBC News policy...that doesn't actually apply to MSNBC! This was basically a bitter, personal power move.

Just quickly: I just found out about the suspension of Keith Olbermann for making political contributions. NBC apparently has some policy prohibiting journalists from donating to candidates, so they suspended him indefinitely without pay.

I went online and read the news and found the inevitable commentary by ostensible experts on journalistic ethics, who are all lining up to whale on Olbermann. One quote I found in this Bloomberg piece:

"Journalists who work for a news organization have an ethical responsibility to honor their guidelines and standards,” said Bob Steele who teaches journalism ethics at Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida. “If NBC and MSNBC spelled out those guidelines clearly and Olbermann violated those guidelines, then he should pay the price."

He should pay the price? Is Bob Steele kidding? What the hell is wrong with people?

We had a whole generation of journalists who sat by and did nothing while, for instance, George Bush led us into an idiotic war on a lie, plus thousands more who spent day after day collecting checks by covering Britney's hair and Tiger's text messages and other stupidities while the economy blew up and two bloody wars went on mostly unexamined... and it's Keith Olbermann who should "pay the price" for being unethical? Because, and let me get this straight, he donated money, privately, to politicians?

This is absurd even by GE's standards. There is no reason, not even a theoretical one, why any journalist should be prevented from having political opinions and participating in election campaigns in his spare time. The policy would be ridiculous even if we were talking about an evening news anchor -- because the only "ethical" question here is the issue of NBC wanting to preserve the appearance of impartiality and being unable to do so, because political contributions happen to be public record and impossible to hide from viewers.

Again, that would be true even if we were talking about Brian Williams or Tom Brokaw, someone from whom viewers expect a certain level of impartiality. But what Olbermann does is advocacy journalism and it's not exactly a secret. NBC punishing Olbermann for donating to Democratic candidates is like Hugh Hefner fining the Playmate of the Year for showing ankle. It's completely and utterly retarded.

These periodic spaz attacks the people in our business have over obscure and usually completely made-up ethical controversies -- often over this whole "objectivity" issue, which provides a seemingly endless source of false piety for some of the more obnoxious journo-ethicists -- are really irritating. I'm biased, obviously, because I'm a guest on the show, but this is beyond stupid. And by the way, has anyone checked the donation lists for CNBC anchors? I'm guessing a few of those have shelled out to the Rs. What's the deal, GE?
Keith'll wind up on HN or CNN sooner than later.

In the meantime I'm guessing MSNBC'll hire Michael Lupica & put him in Keith's slot as Keith's replacement.
Olberman was smart, eloquent and unflinching.
In today's anti-intellectual, anti-fact, anti-substance political climate that spelled doom.

He has nobody but himself to blame.
He should have simply repeated the echo chamber mantras and shilled a few products.
Beck can show Olberman the error of his ways and put his feet back on the right path.
Eloquent and unflinching, maybe. But his pre-election "Special Comment" and his general tone toward Tea Party people, who were simply vocalizing what polls showed the majority of Americans felt, showed that he was anything but smart.
I have not watched the news in 100 years but from what I remember of this fag he was twice as obnoxious as Bill O'Reilly and not even half as entertaining. All he managed was to make liberals seem even more self righteous and annoying than they already are.

Still, I thought MSNBC was positioning themselves as the pussified liberal version of FOX News. Are they so frightened by indecisive Americans that they are trying to sneak back to the middle? It is not like anyone watches them besides liberal bloggers, so they should just go for it and hire Bill Clinton to be the new host of Countdown.
It's not political, as far as I can tell. The read I get from between the lines is that the guy is just as big a prick when the camera isn't on him as when it is -- if not more so. MSNBC's head honcho saw an opportunity to bitch-slap the piss out of the obnoxious fucker and took it.
They should preface every episode of his show with:


NBC permabanned Keith for donating to the Democratic Party.

Meanwhile Pat Buchanan, Joe Scarborough & Michael Smerconich get a pass.

I wish Keith could & would join TK to talk about this injustice one floor up in GFHH.

I will have to speak to the gentlemen involved. mean, who is representing God's point of view? Is there ANYONE who is telling it like it is, letting the sinners know their shit?
I volunteer myself. I'd let the audience know their worthless sacks of shit, rightfully under god's condemnation and this nation is an open sewer of homos, perverts, rock n' rollers. Hip Hop chimpanzees and the rest.

I thank God He finally punished that wicked Libertard. About damn time-really, they should have given the sodomite a lethal injection IMHO.
Y'know, for someone who purports to speak for God, you sure are a long sight off from mastering even your native language. Maybe you'd better put your ass on the bench, boy, and let someone at least a notch more credible than you do the job.

Like Jillian, for example.
Y'know, for someone who purports to speak for God, you sure are a long sight off from mastering even your native language. Maybe you'd better put your ass on the bench, boy, and let someone at least a notch more credible than you do the job.

Like Jillian, for example.

Her Glorious All.

Has She returned?
Y'know, for someone who purports to speak for God, you sure are a long sight off from mastering even your native language. Maybe you'd better put your ass on the bench, boy, and let someone at least a notch more credible than you do the job.

Like Jillian, for example.

Silence, you reprehensible reprobate! There is no one on MSNBS that represent's God's viewpoint on things. I therefore, in a spirit of humbleness, throw my hat in the ring.
Olbermann was a wicked sinner and a Negroe-loving libertard. All he represented what was what is degenerate and perverse in this nation. I, on the other hand, will represent all that is good, righteous and holy. I will take by the airwaves for Jesus and I will do it in the name of all those poor children abused by the decadent, debauched and degenerate material Negroe-loving libertards vomit out every night to incite our precious children to become raving homos and queers.